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Every one of these cute soft 5'2" tiktok "e-boys" turns out to be a female girl pretending to be a boy pretending to be a girl and I'm sick of it.
Replies: >>16834 >>16898
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>>16831 (OP) 
I kindly demand proofs of some sort
That dress is so uncomfortable
I dunno what deal the manufacturer has with amazon but everyone has that specific one.

I've had bad experiences with dresses even from decent midrange manufacturers being dry and rough and above all poorly body conforming so decent dresses might either not exist or be restricted to bespoke pieces going for a thousand plus per outfit a la suits
Replies: >>16858
They're garbage Chinese Halloween costume quality, what do you expect.
Replies: >>16861
I expect(ed) other dresses to not be uncomfortable
I expect there to be a reason why everyone has one particular piece of chinkshit and not another or similarly priced yuro or taiwainese shit
Are you able to fucking read?
>>16831 (OP) 
she looks nothing like a boy
Replies: >>16972
>give birth to a girl
>call it a boy
no but she looks like a boy trying to look like a girl

honestly ft(mtf)s are one of my favorite groups so no complaints here
Replies: >>17694
she looks like a girl larping as a boy that larps as a girl
the bouncy tiktok body language stinks like woman and ruins it right away
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