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Why didn't you federate?
in no particular order

- site was made primarily for s4s posters 
- last time i've checked the webring it was full of unpleasant spam groups, which i didn't really want to deal with, there's probably a reason everyone uses cloudflare/cloudflare equivalent there, which kind of ties in the last bullet point
- setting it up is an additional step i did not want to bother with
Replies: >>31773 >>31776
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This is not the question being asked lole
I was feeling nostalgic about some dorkweb boards because I found the song that OP is screenshotted from and the other one in a folder of old music I had on a microsd.
There were other technical issues and nobody really cared much in the first place but nntpchan was an (actual) federated imageboard and the reason it died is cos >90% of content was on one server so when the guy pulled the plug it basically killed the entire network. The way it worked was you tagged the channels on your site and any posts (and admin actions) that you pushed/received would show up on the same channel on every federated site, so e.g. the /s4s/ hosted on my machine at my address would have the same content as the /s4s/ hosted on your machine, and in the header for the posts it'd just show you who it came from.

I know for a fact that some other posters here were nntpchan posters. This is a rhetorical question born from the context of similar shit possibly happening with ipfs shit I've been interacting with more because of >recent internet events. It's an unin( lol )genuous question because I don't really feel a sense of guilt (in general), perhaps because I don't really feel a sense of responsibility (in general), but it's of the form to be asked like this, y'know, playing out the pattern. That being said, if people had hosted their own sites (and they did, realistically, that wasn't the problem, though no one really stepped up to play the role of new-main-site which if they did would definitively prove the experiment a failure anyhow) and people had posted on those then the safe harbor faggotry wouldn't have mattered, but people didn't post on those so it did.
I mean it was more or less a zombie site for most of it's life anyway.

The webring isn't really federated in any sense afaik. It's just got a shitty little js widget that pulls site statistics from other sites and basically just statically links to them.
>there's probably a reason everyone uses cloudflare/cloudflare equivalent there
I mean it's cos they're all redditors and/or feds, not a big surprise.
Why the fuck would you think anyone was asking about the webring lole.
Replies: >>31775
oh, that thing
when you said federated my mind went to the webring cause jschan has webring integration with lnyxchan/infinity and thought you meant that and misused the term
yes, the webring is not an actual federation, it's just a.. webring..

i remember checking nntpchan a couple of times, i am a bit fuzzy on what it was like but i feel like it had an even worse spammer problem and barely any posters

interesting concept, but  barely anyone used it so what's the point

>I mean it's cos they're all redditors and/or feds, not a big surprise.
pretty sure the reason is because if they didn't they'd get ddosed by some petty autist who felt slighted because his cp thread got deleted or cp bombed and then reported to their host to get taken down
Replies: >>31776
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>i remember checking nntpchan a couple of times, i am a bit fuzzy on what it was like but i feel like it had an even worse spammer problem and barely any posters
Depends on what you mean. It did mostly die pretty early on, I wanna say the only time it was relatively active was 2017-2018? And then 2019+ was the twilight years but you still got some like nano-like posters. The safe harbor stuff also knocked it's populous around.
I feel like your standards for activity are totally inapplicable for that sort of site though. You can have sites with <7 posts per week that are alive and kicking, it's not uncommon for torchans or alt/jp/s or whatever. It had bad spam problems only on the nodes that mirrored clearnet nodes, and clearnet is always cancer.
Spam is free speech
>barely any posters
Yeah purported technical issues that I never really looked into aside, this is practically the only reason it died.
>interesting concept
Kind of premature. The realistic answer is that something like that will be an IPFS-over-i2p or similar solution with distributed storage, which means that centralization will be over content policing (and therefore trivially reversible and also salvageable in the case that the main contributor(s) step down) but while a lot of people have hacked together working solutions I'm not aware of a real IPFS-over-i2p or similar solution besides maybe what libgen is using these days, and at the end of the day libgen is just an iteration of a gateway to a single torrent file and is ultimately held up by this underlying concept.
>pretty sure the reason is because if they didn't they'd get ddosed by some petty autist who felt slighted because his cp thread got deleted or cp bombed and then reported to their host to get taken down
Lolnah. When there was the drama with the fujo paying for botnet sites to ddos sites the owner of smug was going to switch to just the onion if necessary. Anyone who picked up cloudflare is a collaborateur, and some of them obviously were from the start. It's an incoherent concern because there's no reason to have a host who cares and a ton of solutions to get around it, and it isn't even really a thing in the first place. The sites that sprung up from federale efforts were obviously gay from the start and the ones that were already there seem to mostly have become retarded by some kind of conspiracy.
I mean, zzzchan was literally a by-reddit-for-reddit site founded by 8ch refugees whose first interaction with imageboards was through twitter in the late 2010s. These people weren't exactly adverse to heavy handed censorship by government adjacent entities, they're clout chasers and nothing more.
>cp bombed and then reported to their host to get taken down
Way bigger organizations than some random autist have tried this tactic and it's been demonstrated not to work if anyone actually fights it (e.g. iqdb).

Forgot to say, but I really like these digits for some reason.
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