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what bmi is make it bmi?
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bmi isn't a make it indicator cos it's fine to pick up weight from muscle. You can even pick up muscle which doesn't change your shape e.g. ass and thighs and calves, and it looks better not worse. I got way more guys unsolicited telling me I've got a nice ass after I got a bit stronger than I did at about the same bodyfat but lower weight.
If you're skinnyfat then hard upper limit is 18.5. It's still not a super great look but it's not pudgy blobman either.
Replies: >>29236 >>29241
what do you feel when unsolicited men tell you that you have a nice ass
Replies: >>29237 >>29238
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>unsolicited men tell you
Shouldn't this be "men tell you unsolicited"? Reads weird to me.
Replies: >>29240
>unsolicited men
no one asked them to exist.
and you're a boy
Replies: >>29246
>If you're skinnyfat then hard upper limit is 18.5.
Well I'm 18.4 and still have a little bit of belly fat so I'm going to go lower.
Replies: >>29242 >>29246
If youre 18 bmi and can't see your pecs, you're fat
Replies: >>29243 >>29276
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If you have belly fat you're fat, not a lot of ambiguity there.
If you don't have a specific goal in mind then I'd suggest picking up muscle rather than going lower in bmi since you could be risking pnumonia if you go to like 15. Keep in mind that bmi IS an accurate representation of your catabolic reserves sans complicating illness/injury (e.g. water retention) and you will get statchecked if you're forced to go the better part of a week without food and don't remand yourself to the nightmare institution of pharmacological mistreatment.
You haven't really been clear about what kind of figure you're trying to achieve so it's hard to give specific workout advice. Besides cleaning up your diet etc. like normal, I'd suggest looking into mixed gender (i.e. womens) 'workouts' like yoga and the like (get a recorded instruction video from one of the gyms associated with practicing athletes of some kind that you find respectable). Even if you don't end up doing a huge amount of work it's still good for your metabolism and being flexible is always good.
If the rumors are to be believed, a cute one with a great butt at that.
Replies: >>29276
like 17.3 desu
Replies: >>29276
i like feeling empty but my mother doesn't like it when i fast
"if you don't eat you won't be able to keep up your walking"
do you think adipose tissue is purely there for decoration, bitch?
Replies: >>29273
Move out
If someone consistently demonstrates that they neither have your best interests at heart nor have any willingness to learn or consider things that could benefit themselves (or you by proxy), then they're only going to be a negative influence
Replies: >>29279 >>29281
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don't be mean I've lost 9 kgs almost 10. I can't choose where it loses from. I just have to go lower to get rid of it, I was skinny fat.
I'm going to start working out, thanks for the advice. I'm not going to go as low as 15 dw. I think I'll lose the tiny bit of belly fat in the next kg for sure. I'm very close.
expert is this true?
I accidentally clicked on the united states law option while reporting a post ;_;
Why is that even possible when I already clicked on one of the rules
Replies: >>29278
no one cares about your grand snitch adventure
you're a scary poster, this is word for word the tactics of a trans groomer trying to ensnare you into the LGBT cult, dieting and fasting is not worth ruining your relationships with your family wtf
So what you're saying is you can't argue the point so you've resorted to pejorative personal comparisons instead?
>dieting and fasting is not worth ruining your relationships with your family wtf
You've presupposed that the relationship with his mother is beneficial but there's no indication of that. I also would tend to believe that if your relationship is "ruined" with your mother just because you moved out then maybe it's not a positive relationship.
Replies: >>29296
just because you hate your parents doesn't mean everyone else does
Replies: >>29298
You already established that you don't have an argument, no need to keep repeating it
since i got a job i gained like 6 kg and am at 23 bmi now and i feel fat
Replies: >>29304 >>29306
You probably are
post tummy
>ruining your relationships with your family
it's already strained, i just keep it internal instead of expressing myself as to not "bite the hand that feeds me" (even though i shouldn't eat)
Replies: >>29336
Obtain your own source of food retard
Replies: >>29343
erm no...
Replies: >>29344
Don't bitch about your employer if you're not open to alternatives, retard
fags need to get off edtwt, even MPA was somehow less toxic, and didn't consist almost entirely of k-pop dicksucking
Replies: >>29372
You know that the desire not to be a disgusting hamplanet wildly predates your random social media experiences, right?
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Replies: >>29536
vomiting is so lame
Replies: >>29542
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It's literally the cutest thing you can do
Replies: >>29546
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the audience is listening
Replies: >>29577
lame is cute
Replies: >>29560
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Replies: >>29598
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or is it?
Replies: >>29601
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