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I have complex ptsd
Replies: >>39992
>>39991 (OP) 
no you dont
Replies: >>39993
my the rapist says so
Replies: >>39994 >>39996
just because i raped you it doesnt mean you have ptsd from it, i know enjoyed it you pervert
Replies: >>39997
not an excuse
Replies: >>39997
what was the context of that conclusion
Replies: >>39997
you're all mean to me
Replies: >>39998 >>39999
i love you
Replies: >>40000
no i was asking you for context
like what were you talking about with your therapist
Replies: >>40000
nno you want to hurt me
Replies: >>40001 >>40004
no you’re just having a cptsd emotional flashback obviously
Replies: >>40003
I have flashbacks and intrusive thoughts everyday I thought I was going insane and they put me on abilify and I was thinking bad thoughts and I wake up afraid of somehow losing control of myself and doing terrible things or having been done something horrifying
Replies: >>40005 >>40007
four same numbers!
i thought this was just normal lol maybe i should go to a therapist too
Replies: >>40006
I thought it was somewhat normal since I don't recall any particular trauma 
I wasn't molested or anything idk why this is happening
Replies: >>40031
what kinda bad thoughts do you get?
Replies: >>40009
but the ideas became too horrible to bear and the abilify did help, it is an awful drug though
but it was helpful
idk if I should say
Replies: >>40010
it’s okayy you’re safe here and nothing bad will happen because they’re just thoughts and words 
also im sure people here have said/thought much worse
Replies: >>40011
Replies: >>40014
The guilt from betraying this site's users by promising nudes and not delivering has manifested as negative thoughts.
Replies: >>40013
omfg I'm lazy okay I will see what I can do
I haven't been feeling horny
dodging the question
Magick's glasses
sorry I over shared
Replies: >>40017 >>40023
share more
Replies: >>40018
I kind of do not even exist
Replies: >>40019
for now
Replies: >>40021
what does that mean
Replies: >>40022
you'll see soon
Replies: >>40024
sometimes its good to share your feelings and thoughts, you don't need to post about your horny things all the time
wtf what
Replies: >>40025
they’re being vague on purpose to tease you
wish fell off and kind of sucks now
Replies: >>40032
the whole point of “complex” ptsd is that it forms from a long period of exposure to a bunch of small events (usually from a young age) that add up over time, like a giant mess of wires that you don’t even know how to begin to untangle, except the wires are your brain and the trauma pervades every aspect of your life, also new wires keep getting added to the pile every time you look away
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intensifies ur cptsd accidentally
wish fell off
where did he fell off to
why isn't anyone helping him get up
Replies: >>40035
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didn't know wish was pakistani
Replies: >>40038
wish is brown
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