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Reminder that all threads made before November 2022 have now been deleted because admin only set the page count to 200 as opposed to some higher number like 2000, it's not like text is gonna make the server run worse plus I like to look back at my old threads and bump them cus I still like them.
Like for example that one thread I made where I was lewded up reading an article where a bunch of bimbo sluts complained they got hypnotized against their will with bambisleep, I'm pretty sure that thread is gone.
Replies: >>32523
>>32522 (OP) 
i rememebr bambisleep
i think i had an accoutn there and listened al ot
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200 pages is the maximum the board software allows 

i was aware of this well before we reached it and i planned looking at the code to see if i could modify it given that it's probably just some variable in the settings but i never got around to it...
then i just made the >>>/archive/ board and planned moving threads there as we near the 200 mark but then i realized it messes up all the backlinks and i couldn't  move multiple threads at once so i gave up on that too..

and now we're here, with an endless multitude of posts forever lost.. all due to my lack of drive and diligence...
Replies: >>32531 >>32555
why do you think anyone has any idea what you are talking about
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You did your best and actually tried for us, thats all that matters ❤
im not talking to you retard
never @ me again
Bambosleep was born XX XX and trans and men won't deal with it
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i took a quick look at the models for jschan. i think its possible that if you connected to the MongoDB and looked for some '/s4s/' board object, you would find a property named maxPage. increasing the value might allow for more threads to be stored, but im really not too sure. i would make a backup of the DB before manually making any changes. who knows though? i didnt rlly look at any other pieces of code or anything.
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