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Frenulum bullying is the hot new way to fap ur pebis!
I went twice last night and it felt like my brain was melting by how good it felt, refractory period didn't happen either!

Pls bully ur frenulum responsibly!!!
Replies: >>9237 >>9238
>>9236 (OP) 
I will try tonight
Replies: >>9238
>>9236 (OP) 
please film it next time thank you. make sure the recording includes audio
Replies: >>9241
I don't want to end like CTS
Replies: >>9242 >>9243
who's that
i hope he isn't dead
Replies: >>9245
My hopes is that he isn't, he successfully DMCAed all the pics with his whole face off 4plebs but not the one where he's recolored in the footballer outfit.
how do I bully my frenulum
Replies: >>9254
Try grabbing your soft beooijs when it's flaccid and hold it with the glans facing up, just hold it for a while until your index finger is on your frenulum and then just tug and nudge it for a little while, you'll know it when the sparkly feelings start.
Replies: >>9257
that sounds like playing with a clit....
Replies: >>9258
That's what it is basically, play with your semi-flaccid bepis like a clit until it turns hard but hold firm pressure on it so it doesn't fully expand and you can keep playing with it while semi-erect.
Replies: >>9259
what? how do you avoid it expanding?
Replies: >>9260
Just squeeze it
Replies: >>9261
isn't that damaging or something?
Replies: >>9262
Not any more so than a chastity cage tbh
Replies: >>9265
I feel like those might be damaging but idk
Replies: >>9266
Maybe the extra tiny ones like the nubs or the flat ones or the actually possibly damaging ones like the inverted flat ones that have a peg that literally inverts your penis back into your body.

Normal cages shouldn't do anything and neither should your hand applying firm pressure assuming you're not death gripping it.
The penis stops engorging with blood when it encounters resistance, it's why your dick won't break if you get a straight out boner wearing jeans.
Replies: >>9269
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the tiny flat cages look painful
Replies: >>9270 >>9276
Why do u keep asking dumb questions like you don't even have a penis, are you a girl?
Replies: >>9271
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Replies: >>9280
I love you Magick, you're my little femoid.
Replies: >>9290
I need someone to make a vid showing how this works
Replies: >>9592
maybe in a few days, i'm kinda self conscious about being cut tho
aren't most americans cut?
Replies: >>9594
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You should be self conscious about being cut, it is the ultimate symbol of the jews control over amerikkka

still make the vid though, I wanna see you being a cutieπ albeit
Replies: >>10120
still waiting
tick tock
I'm cut and not self-conscious about it but I'm also Jewish...

I think both cut and uncut looks cute
Replies: >>10121
>The book of Leviticus is traditionally regarded as classifying sexual intercourse between males as a to'eivah (something abhorred or detested) that can be subject to capital punishment by Sanhedrin under halakha (Jewish law). 

oh no
Replies: >>10122
oh I don't believe any of that stuff anon. it's obviously all made-up. like any good American Jew, I'm a lifelong atheist
Replies: >>10124
>I'm a lifelong atheist
oy vey
on a more serious note, when you take away religion what is even left of being "jewish"? it is just a ethno-cultural thing for you where you go through the motions and observe just the most basic holidays and stuff like that?
Replies: >>10125
just means munch will kill him if she finds out
I need to know how its done
post the tutorial video!!!
Replies: >>10332
this, so much this
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OP bullying his frenulum tbh
Replies: >>21102
I still don't know how it's done, someone plz help!
historic thread
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