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last night in my dream i volunteered to be vivisected by students and it kind of hurt. they sewed me back up at the end.
how polite of them
i will donate my body to medicine after i die so i can at least provide some worth to the world
Replies: >>19276 >>19277
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i hear there is a type of grift going on that if you find yourself in life threatening circumstances, but are technically saveable, the doctors might just end up pulling the plug to sell your organs. a similar thing happened in post soviet poland, where ambulance drivers would administer high doses of drugs to kill a patient and sell their body to a funeral service, or something like that.
Replies: >>19278 >>19280
donating your body to a medical institute is not the same as being an organ donor, they conserve your body and have med students train on it
Replies: >>19279
better than decomposing in a hole with dead people makeup on your face
>i hear there is a type of grift going on that if you find yourself in life threatening circumstances, but are technically saveable, the doctors might just end up pulling the plug to sell your organs. 
This is standard practice to the point where people have broken into hospitals with guns to protect their relatives who had been written off and they recovered
Replies: >>19283
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americans lel
Replies: >>19284 >>19307
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shut up
drink your friggin tea
Isn't it even worse over there?
America has opt-in organ donation mostly plus a lot of hospitals will keep vegetables around just to generate bills.
America might have a nightmare top-down government controlled healthcare system but it's at the behest of unions trying to make money rather than utilitarians trying to cause abstract suffering
>cucumber sandwich
please tell me those are at least pickled
Replies: >>19308
>utilitarians trying to cause abstract suffering
what does this mean, please?
also, mind telling me who you're quoting?
Replies: >>19309
catch aids and die faggot
Replies: >>19310
meanie :(
Replies: >>19311
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im sorry they were mean to you fren you dont deserve that *hugs you*
Replies: >>19312
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>you dont deserve that
doesn't he?
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