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Yuri cowboy anime set in Mexico
translate the text magick
I know cazadors are those bug things in New Vegas
it says hunter of the witch, or witch hunter
disclaimer, i'm not a native spanish speaker, but these are my findings: a cazador is someone who hunts; the hunter. the etymology for cazador apparantely originates from cazar, to prosecute, and dor, to hurt, or possibly just the suffix -dor, a suffix which relates that action to a noun. so, put simply, a person who hunts. a montero is someone who both spots and directs game towards hunters; the helper of a hunter. the origin for montero is apparently more obscure, possibly relating to old spanish fables of a knight, at the call of a horn, helping king alfonso xi from being attacked by a bear, and thusly being awarded by the king with the surname montero. knights would do this unconditionally for the king, having complete faith in his reign. the etymology could possibly relate to monte, or mountain, referring to the mountains in spain, or montar, to mount, as though it meant to mount a horse, something which fits that knightly narrative. -ero is a suffix which relates that action to a noun. so, person who mounts.
isn't it weird that lil nas x's legal name is montero lamar hill? who is his king?
could he be named after the montero jeep, as referenced in rapper nas' hit song, "the world is yours"? it's worth noting that the mitsubishi montero was only named that in the export market because the original name, the mitsubishi pajero, had an autoerotic connotation in spanish. paja meaning to masturbate.
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