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You should do regular maths puzzles to stave of dementia.
a) how many months old is beary pink?
b) what is the product of the lengths of the names of the top three /s4s/ namefriends?
c) what is the chance of getting two dubs in a row in a thread with five replies?
Replies: >>19122 >>19127
>>19103 (OP) 
thanmk you for the advice squishy i love you
104 month plus or minus a couple days
1 in a million
Replies: >>19132
>>19103 (OP) 
>a) how many months old is beary pink?

>b) what is the product of the lengths of the names of the top three /s4s/ namefriends?
squishyXsquishyXsquishy=three hundred and fourty-three

>c) what is the chance of getting two dubs in a row in a thread with five replies?
one in one hundred
Replies: >>19132
actually misread the last one or something i thought all post had to be dubs
its 5 in 100 or 1 in 20
im not rarted >_<
Replies: >>19131 >>19132
technically, it can be 100% on a board as slow as this. you're not rarted, but i wouldn't know the actual answer because i dropped out and never took statistics @-@
Replies: >>19137
im btw this squishy

>1 in 100
oh maybe its a trick question
consecutive dubs occuring within 5 replies (plus op):
1 in 20
getting consecutive dubs within 2 posts in a thread with previously 5 replies (wich dont matter):
1 in 100
but then i could argue that op didnt specify that im only allowed to post 2 times
Replies: >>19134
hehehe, i broke op's question, and you solved it~
good job, squishy^^
funny you got inbetween my 2 consective posts this board is 2 fast 4 me
Replies: >>19138
gottem, live action discord posting moment
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