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assisted gunshot suicide
Replies: >>30751 >>30763
>>30750 (OP) 
I saw the extended version on pol. 
He did a nad check following a drone strike and found 404 penis not found and requested an assisted suicide from his comrade. 
Idk if I could make the same request if I were in his shoes.
Replies: >>30764
I find myself despicable. 
I feel no empathy for others, I'm sadistic and gain sexual gratification from the misery of others yet I can accept myself for the person that I am, no copes or false rationalizations. 
My only desire is that I live a thousand years in the state that I am in right now.
Replies: >>30762
Youll drop dead having not experienced even a tenth of it all
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>>30750 (OP) 
It's a commendable presence of mind and conviction
>Idk if I could make the same request if I were in his shoes.
Is that because you are too afraid of dying or just because you don't value your boybits as much, though?
i didn't get to see
Replies: >>30773
i felt bed about posting something like that on this website so i deleted it sorry

anyway, it was a video of a russian soldier asking to be shot by repeatedly tapping his head after being wounded by a drone beforehand, another soldier just nonchalantly walks over and shoots him in the head with his rifle with zero hesitation whatsoever and continues on as if nothing happened
Replies: >>30775
>continues on as if nothing happened
Dude was in a fucking hurry, it clearly wasn't a good place to be loitering around
Replies: >>30776
dunno, he seemed to have slackened his pace a little bit after the drone hit 
i'm just amazed at how nonplussed he was about offing his comrade

my dad was in the same situation where his friend asked him to kill him after he got wounded but he refused to do so cause people are generally averse to killing their own even if it's an act of mercy, at the very least you'd expect some hesitation, especially since he didn't seem that gravely wounded at first glance, but no he just popped him instantly
Replies: >>30784
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>my dad was in the same situation where his friend asked him to kill him after he got wounded but he refused to do so cause people are generally averse to killing their own even if it's an act of mercy, at the very least you'd expect some hesitation, especially since he didn't seem that gravely wounded at first glance, but no he just popped him instantly
I think that this is to some degree an anglicanism broadly as well as an americanism specifically, which has backwashed into being an anglicanism therefrom. Additionally, my intuition rebels against the idea that people that actually live in frozen and mountainous regions are as squeamish about leaving someone behind as the ones that would tourist there thousands of years later. Russian sensibilities about death seem to be a lot more mature also.
Plus your dad is (demonstrably) a bitch nigger
I don't think this was the right image lole
both ukraine and western russia are particularly known for being flat not mountainous
i guarantee you this squishy would be first down on his knees begging for mercy in a war
Replies: >>30798
nice word-salad gibberish 
you might be right about russian sensibilities about death, or rather murder, being different, especially given that a portion of russia's manpower is sourced from literal violent convicts
Replies: >>30798
(un)cute projection copefiend
Not sure what part of having the basic decency to put someone out of their misery triggers you so much though
lmao even
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