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Replies: >>10509 >>10628
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straight up your alley admin
Replies: >>10506
who is the admin, Magick-chan? why does she wear the mask?
Replies: >>10507
he's shy
>>10494 (OP) 
>draw girl
>call it boy
I'm so sick of this meme
girl penis
this anime is really stiff and austere even by anime standards, i swear it's one frame every 6 seconds with 2 frames of  body movements to hide the fact that nobody is actually animated
the character is cute so you have to watch it lol
Replies: >>10523
is Kemono Jihen any good though?
Replies: >>10539 >>10540
it's as unforgettable as diy girl
idk what that is but I like Jujutsu Kaisen :)
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why would you cover your chest as a boy
Replies: >>10602
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Replies: >>10603
Ranpo Kitan did this too with Kobayashi, i thought it was gonna lead to some surprise that he was really a girl this whole time but no.
Maybe the Japanese censors wouldn't allow girly boy nips on screen cus it looks like a topless girl and that would definitely be nsfw.
Ok u convinced me to watch, i wanna see girly amines piss themselves
Replies: >>10605
just as a heads up, since the screencaps i posted might not imply it but the anime is pretty violent and gory at certain points so if you don't like that...
Replies: >>10606 >>10607
does the girly boy get abused and beaten up
Replies: >>10609
sounds real mature and compelling
Replies: >>10609
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not really, since he keeps passing out in every fight  
lole, i think i've made it sound worse than it actually is, it's mostly just monsters getting dismembered
Replies: >>10617
i'm a man of culture so i already watched it
Replies: >>10612
did you like it
Why's he even fighting monsters if he's so gay
Replies: >>10618
he's gay and retarded
>>10494 (OP) 
I swear this character is literally wish, he even sulks in his room decorated like wishes room and posts vague emotional tweets like wish immediately after this scene
Replies: >>10629
does he love hitler
Replies: >>10641
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daily reminder
are boys born gay and girly like this, or is it a decision
Replies: >>10723 >>10835
Yeah they're usually born this way when they're the youngest of the family and the mother has already had a bunch of kids before him, they say the woman increasingly feminizes the fetus every time they have a pregnancy and youngest sons will inevitably turn out gay.
Replies: >>10724
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How much of that is just a cultural thing from always being the smallest and most effeminate though
t. hemolytic lastborn runt (male)
Replies: >>10830
are you small and feminine?
Replies: >>10836
it's pure heuiristics my friend
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I'm about average height (and lower weight) for a woman of my race and have hips that'd put my own mother to shame but I'm not fat and have pretty defined face/neck muscles so I'd be pretty unlikely to ever pass if you could see my face. Before the age of ~14 I was assumed female on sight for most strangers though.
I'm a histrionic bitch and I've had a LOT of people online default to using female pronouns (unprompted) inc. from before trannies were mainstream in pop culture.
Replies: >>10839
Do you post on /g/ and have various pics of you in a maid outfit holding an AMD Vega card?
Replies: >>10840
I don't use secure identities or endorse 3dpd
bump lol
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