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mattress pls if you are hiding somewhere, or harming yourself
stop both and go talk to mila
Replies: >>28525
who's the sucker who fell for it this time
Replies: >>28370
neither of these dumb niggers deserve your generosity
Replies: >>28371
mila does, mattress idk
Replies: >>28372 >>28377
at least they are more decent, than the whore called wish
Replies: >>28373 >>28380
what did wish ever do other than partake in self-destructive debauchery
true that one
he killed three cats, seven bunnies and two hamsters
Mattress deserves a space in a mass grave tbh
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dude she woke me up while i was sleeping wtf!!-_-
Replies: >>28381
so what idiot
Replies: >>28382
what th efuck do u mean i need my beauty stream unlike u ugly nigger
Replies: >>28394
wait i meant m,y beauty sleep
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Replies: >>28395
shut your traps asshole, no sleeping for a night to help someone is not gonna hurt your fucking beauty stream
stop reposting shit as well
it only shows your lack of personality and not having the guts to get better, you only love running away cause you are afraid and depressed
Replies: >>28400 >>28404
heres ur gold reddit badge <3
i do what i want to do motherfucker, suck my dick
post ur body + face
btw running away from what?
Replies: >>28403
uguu im sorry for not simping for a 39 yr old trannyyy and helping them outttt >_<
Replies: >>28405
from your true self of negativity
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Replies: >>28416
they are still a human being like you are, beside you are also a tranny nigger
im not a tranny im a boy, male
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uguuu they are still a human being like you aree
uguuu uguuu why didnt u help themmm uguuuu why arent u simping for a 39 yr old tranny uguuuuuuu
bitch this is like the 10th time it happened and me and wrinkly are sick of it, shut your sodomy mouth and go suck some dick before assuming things. we are done with their scripted relationship
im pretty kind but u know what that bitch did? u dont know do u now. she berated me and wrinkly after we helped her out and now she comes crawling back to us? she can fuck off dude
now learn a cool lesson called dont jump to assumptions if u dont wanna be made fun of lol
im not going to interact with that snake tranny, do u know how many times she publicly berated me and made fun of wrinkly in dms and now that snake comes back to us and ur simping hard for someone like her makes me so fucking mad like holy shit didnt u think i have my own reasons for once?
thanks for bursting with everything
Replies: >>28414
>>28413 yeah u need to understand cuz ur pissing me off
she didnt just berate me, she embarassed my partner publicly and made everyone think theyre schizo
Replies: >>28417
now do u think that the scum mila is a human being too?
if u do, then u know who you are >>>28404
you are both schizo, but that matters none anyways
Replies: >>28418
not in a funny way, u wouldnt get it
shes a bitch, a snake, a lizard, whatever u wanna call her. now you and mila can fuck off <3
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im schizo
Replies: >>28422
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ur on the spectrum lol
ive only ever been diagnosed with bpd
Replies: >>28423
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how does it feel to send me $600 avogado? do u wanna send me more than that? u should send me more in front of your girlfriend!! i mean, im so much more worth it!
Replies: >>28426
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u know, my birthday's in 3 days
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avogado bought me this
i like it
thank u
i thought it was 400 lole.
no my gf has sex with me and sucks me off. my cock is taken sry
Replies: >>28428
kk tell me when she leaves you
Replies: >>28429
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I already helped that bitch through two meltdowns even though she despises me and I hardly got a "thank you" out of it. When it was my turn to need support I was ignored and told I was ruining her birthday week with my bad attitude. They should both be licking my ass for being a saint. They deserve nothing.
Replies: >>28431
i love wrinkly
You know what Mattress told me? "You're not my girlfriend, so why should I help you?"
Maybe she should take her man's advice.
Replies: >>28433
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that mila person is a 49 year old man btw... who cares...
Replies: >>28553
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Imagine getting btfo this hard by manic!wish lole
>>28367 (OP) 
Frieren is so cute I love her.
my creepy adult black baby girlfriend can't be this cute
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he lead a suicide cult
that's pretty bad i think
Replies: >>28558 >>28559
Cute legs.
if you can say that pedo sex is providing a service to a minor, you can say the same of a suicide cult providing a service to suicidal people
Replies: >>28560
i never said that and also there was like 8000 of them and not all were suicidal when they registered
Replies: >>28562
a lot of us were though lol
i guess it was a service to me
but i'm still alive on planet earth..
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