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Give up because there is no point
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Replies: >>14754
i wonder if the picture has something to do with oral fixion
Replies: >>14757
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 There Is A Point
Replies: >>14756
you shouldn't try to get close to me 
i wonder what it is
Replies: >>14760
it's about manbabies
Replies: >>14758 >>14759
no ummmm it's about loss of innocence obviously
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not get close to you? r u kiddinz?
you are so nice!! and generous !!  giving away money and things!!!
hecc, that's *best fren* status right there i tell u wut
good donut too
Replies: >>14761
something about you does not feel right i don't know what it is but something is definitely off
or as the kids nowdays say 
Replies: >>14762
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Replies: >>14772
I still serve no purpose that is worthwhile
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anyone who shows up at my door unannounced is shot without warning
i have a clear view of the front door of the building from my balcony and if you do make it into the hallway then i still have a peephole.
Replies: >>14798
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Replies: >>14799 >>14801
do you know the wonderful story of Peter Schlemihl
do you know the saying 
what goes around comes around?
I don't know, but it doesn't work for me. 
the only language these people understand is violence so they get violence 
What have I done to them to be treated the way they do
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i want to end it all
Replies: >>14835 >>14836
life sucks and i hate myself
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Replies: >>14853
i want to die i want to die i want to die i want to die i want to die i want to die i want to die i want to die i want to die i want to die i want to die i want to die i want to die i want to die i want to die i want to die i want to die i want to die i want to die i want to die i want to die i want to die i want to die i want to die i want to die i want to die i want to die i want to die i want to die i want to die i want to die i want to die i want to die i want to die i want to die i want to die i want to die i want to die i want to die i want to die i want to die
Replies: >>14860
did you ever try becoming a weedfig stoner?
Replies: >>14861
I smoked weed for several years when i was 18 and older. i don't do it anymore because of my schizophrenia
Replies: >>14862
why don't you do weed anymore, exactly?
Replies: >>14866 >>14878
did you also use to smoke tobacco?
Replies: >>14866
can cause psychosis
im schizophrenic
i smoke about 20 cigs a day
i never smoke blunts if you mean that 
always a mixture of tobacco and weed
Replies: >>14867
so did weed cause psychosis? what was your experiences when using weed?

did you ever consider tobacco might produce psychosis?
Replies: >>14868
if you look at the vulnerability stress model it was almost certain that I would get psychosis 
I am predisposed because I am a twin and have a high chance of getting it anyway cuz then a premature birth it is also very likely to be genetically linked and runs in my family the weed was probably just the last drop that broke the camel's back
Replies: >>14870 >>14872
thank you for talking to me 
i put the gun down now...
does your twin force you to smuggle drugs under threat of cutting off your balls
Replies: >>14871
no he has other problems... but also suicidal
i have little contact with him he should finally live his own life and not always be attached to me 
he is very likely in the mental hospital again
i am more of a courier than a seller
yeah but did you actually experience anything bad?

how do we know the vulnerability stress model is real and not just trying to promote the medicine they want to sell?
Replies: >>14874
and then you consume massive doses of tobacco and alcohol without any concern. are these really that safe? wouldn't it be funny if tobacco+alcohol acktually encouraged psychosis ?
Replies: >>14876 >>14879
Psychological and physical abuse in childhood.
Replies: >>14875
anything bad from weed !!!!!!!
Replies: >>14877
i have been off the alcohol for a week i now take NAC against it
no never it was always very nice
weed induces psychosis in people with schizophrenia dumbass, lol
Replies: >>14881
>alcohol and tobacco bad, therefore weed good
Replies: >>14881
none of this is good for your health
Replies: >>14882
thats the meme
no one said that
Replies: >>14884
just ignore this stoner redditor, tobacco does not trigger psychosis lol
Replies: >>14883
how do u know?
why believe what (((they))) say?
it not a meme...
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dude tho dudee the tobacco companies
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