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how do ppl find the time to play with their butt, there's so much work involved if you don't want to be gross, like fasting and enemaing and the orgasms take hours, is it only neets who clean themselves out and shove prostate toys up their butt while rotting in bed wearing skirts and listening to sissy hypno and inhaling dxm
Replies: >>40342
yeah just fast and eat tons of fiber and clean yourself
it is time consuming, bottoms don't get enough credit
if you're also crossdressing it's extra work
and don't forget to clean everything after
don't get me started on shaving omfgfggfffgggg
Replies: >>40320 >>40323
why not use nair?
Replies: >>40336
Magick's douche nozzle
the last bastion of aristocratic White culture
Magick won't upload new nudes because he refuses to shave his hairy legs.
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Fasting doesn't actually take extra time
Enemas do, especially if you realize after you start that you need to go again, and waiting to learn that also takes time. Sometimes you know you're clean. And can go straight.
>is it only neets who clean themselves out and shove prostate toys up their butt while rotting in bed wearing skirts
You need to not only be a neet, you pretty much need your own place as well.

Let's not even get started on the reqs for toys going past the first sphincter

Doesn't do shit tbqh

Easiest route is shaving + at home IPL depilation
>>40317 (OP) 
the last parts are oddly specific
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