Today is my birthday. Just wanted to let you all know.
>>15003 (OP) I would post a furry girl as a birthday gift but I only have furry bara saved sorry
>>15004 All male furries must die except this guy
>>15010 >>15011
>>15010 me a girl when i reproduce without sperm
>>15015 me a girl when i reproduce without sperm
>>15019 >>15020
>>15021 matty
this was supposed to be my birthday thread
>>15023 blame the guy who posted to,m jerrru
>>15023 >>15024
happy birthday frend :D i have no furry saved so heres a weird monsterboy
>>15025 I want his mexican pepper shlurp shlurp >>15027 Very sweet
>>15026 >>15027 Thanks… I had pizza and two pints of beer so I’m kind of drunk right now. If I get my shit together I hope I can bring something of value to you guys and by extension everyone else on [s4s]. >>15028 I want your British spotted dick yum yum yum
>>15030 W.T.F??
die retard
>>15003 (OP) Happy Brithday furfagmaster i hope you have a wonderful day with lots of joy and happiness
>>15036 Furry bara thread
>>15032 Okay CIA >>15036 a little late but thank you anyway… also pls get this bara shit out of here >>15038 at least post furry femboys
>>15063 huh? no ur cia not them
>>15063 sry, here have a thick krystal instead c:
>>15065 t. cia
~~ cia ~~
CIA GET OUT !!!!!!!!!!!!! REEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeEEEEEeeeEEEeeeEEEEEeeEEEEEEeeeEEEEEEeeeeeEEEEEEe..... or stay in WINK
>>15066 please take your meds
>>15069 <IMPLYING AS IF int main() { cout << "ur nexxxt"; } Your Fortune: You Do Not Wanna Know
>>15070 I'm just concerned about his mental health... I'm just some schizo what do they want from me. I've been on the list since the last reality wall breach, you were there remeber?
>>15071 his "they" the list Your Fortune: Expect Ill Tidings
>>15072 very confusing i know nothing it just a guess like everything...
>>15074 ? a guess ? a theory ? we live in different country ,no ?
>>15075 you are inflicting way too much anxiety in me when you type stuff like this
time to *sip* it
Your Fortune: (Rock) Hard Times Ahead
WHAT DO YOU KNOW !!!!!!! TELL ME!!!!!! NOW! !!!!!!!!!!!
>>15080 you have to ask me questions that i can answer and then i have to weigh up whether you deserve the answer or whether i am allowed to pass on the information at all
>>15063 Okay just for you
>>15081 why did you post THAT IMAGE
>>15084 can you be a little more specific?
>>15085 i COULD.................
>>15086 good flube
>>15087 it's like talking to a wall... well if you don't want to I don't care amor fati my friend
>>15122 :)