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im single again anyone wanna fuck?
Replies: >>30527
I think xir does >>30522
>>30523 (OP) 
That’s sad. I was happy for you.
Replies: >>30528
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guess im back to be a depressiv faggot again...
Replies: >>30530
You could finish what you started and fuck off forever innit
vampire's kiss ass mother fucker
Replies: >>30531 >>30535
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im gonna stay alone until my last breath
this feeling not worth it to live it again and again until you finally reaches the end and find the "right" one 
simply too much suffering
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>this feeling not worth it to live it again and again
>simply too much suffering
You know what to do
Replies: >>30534
fuck you im not gonna kms
Replies: >>30535
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You have to take back >>30532 and say what you actually think then you disingenuous fuck
"oh woe is me I'm so sad because things are so bad" but you acknowledge that that isn't actually the case so say what the case actually is, retard

You have no excuse if you're buying into this persona and you don't strike me as the kind of sophisticate who is earnestly affecting such with the deliberate aim of producing this kind of discourse for your consumption. You literally have a resolution in >>30530, why are you rocking the boat with this drive towards being an obnoxious faggot after reaching a stable position?
Replies: >>30536
i just want to die rn thats all
Replies: >>30537
Then kys
Replies: >>30538
no getting always what you want is boring
You can find another.
Breaking up hurts now but in the future you will look back on the good times together and smile.
Replies: >>30562
Imma fuck up my life
Replies: >>30566
Control your emotions.
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