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a huge advantage manga has over anime is your choice of the pacing, a mediocre anime can be much much better as a manga because you can just lightly skim over the boring parts and then focus in on the cool parts

even a really good anime can feel shit if it has boring parts, since you're forced to sit through them
multimedia is just intrinsically garbage
imagine having an artistic vision and then thinking "yes I will get some subhuman 'actors' to filter my work through so it becomes meaningless and trite'
Replies: >>18445
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but then the pictures aren't colored and they don't move and don't have cute japanese voices
Replies: >>18446 >>18483
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idk i think you can elevate something through multimedia, but each part must be equal or better than the original source otherwise it's very noticeable.

like when a fight scene is REALLY well animated, it just blows the manga out of the water, but you can also have shit fight scenes that make you wonder why they bothered making the anime in the first place.

same with acting, the actors have to be good otherwise it defeats the purpose, but if you get really good actors it can elevate the whole thing. actors used to actually carry movies since they reached superstar status, you wouldn't be going to see the movie strictly for the movie, you'd also be going to see the actor.

though i think i can agree that if you enjoyed a source material, nothing can truly live up to that thing you experienced. the actors won't have the voices you imagined, or looked how you imagined, even the scenes won't be as you imagined. nothing is going to live up to your personal experience of that thing, you're just getting a simalacrum of what the studio/company thought that thing you experienced is.

in that sense you're kind of ruined if you like, read a book and then see the movie, it will never be how you wanted it to be.
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sometimes manga will color certain panels, but yeah generally they aren't as pretty as certain scenes in an anime. at the same time though, anime generally sacrifices visual fidelity for colors and animation.

a lot of the time anime can lack good animation as well, as it's quite time consuming to make decent animation, so you'll end up with slideshows.

voices are nice but again, the quality can varry wildly, sometimes the voices are cheese graters on the ears rather than something that adds to the final product. normally that isn't the case for me, but sometimes there will be that one character that makes me want to shove bananas into my ears to stop the pain...
seiyuus are 3dpd
Replies: >>18484 >>18520
virgin moment
yeah so what i don't care about the person i care about the voice they provide to the character
Replies: >>18522
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i love my're bf so much bros...
Replies: >>18532
i love my're le lawnmower
i have watched some anime but i have never read a manga or comic and i never will

if an anime has a lot of filler or boring parts i just stop watching. there are a billion things to watch (anime or otherwise) and if something isn't holding my attention i just drop it. no point wasting time on something i'm not even enjoying
Replies: >>18588
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what if i played several attention-holding tiktoks on loop while you watch
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