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Magick is my Best Friend on S4S
you are beyond mentally ill, i cant imagine you being as old as me but you literally are, year for year, and yet you are such a disaster, sad but you deserve nothing less
Replies: >>18615
how old r u
Replies: >>18616
go be for money somewhere you fuckin weird hobo, i dont got time for you
Replies: >>18617
btw how old r u
Replies: >>18618
have you realized that you're old?
Replies: >>18619
yes im 19 btw how old r u
Replies: >>18620
thats hilarious, i dont even know who you're lying to, me your yourself? or both? either way it makes me feel really good about myself, you're like the nightmare version of me that im looking in a mirror.
Replies: >>18621
how old r u
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im born in may 9 2004 btw, dont forget to tell me happy birthday
Replies: >>18654
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the whole 27 thing is a weird joke i used to make since i was 15
i made myself born in 2003 on 4chan so i can post when i was 17 desu
anyway thanks for making me feel better about being 19
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>tfw you're not only mentally ill but also no longer a femboy teenager
if anyone sees this please take care of yourself dont become like mr. nep, have kids and enjoy life, it doesn't take much to become too far gone...
Replies: >>18625
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dude no i have like 7 months left of being hrt femboy teenager
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anywaybi cant be much different from nep since we lead the same life due to learning from eaxh other on facebook my god im so sleepy help me im so sleepy i need to sleep right now
dude no one cares shut the fuck up, i had a dramatic ending and you're FUCKING FUCKING IT UP FUCK YOU
oh wait u called ME mr nep
i am NOT neppy despitw being in the samw timezone i already wxplained this to u btw replicant was so
BLAH BLAH BLAH bitch you have 20 names but you are the same person you cant fool my ass
fucking mentally ill beyond belief
i mean i can understand wanting more names but respond to 1 you needy cunt
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literally not neppy 
btw replicant was so good also i will play automata soon 
also if u keep up the ragingboner ur having for me we’ll end up raping each other
Replies: >>18633
im so unattracted to you, you ever play with magnets? try to force opposites together? its mostly like that, idk what your talking about nier automata sucks shit as far as a game but the story is interesting in a philosophical sense, not that i would imagine you could understand it since your such a fucking perma 4chan posting mentally ill dweeb, no offense, but much offense as well. and yes, you fucking are neppy, or whoever that person is, blonde ass weirdo, neppy became wish, if you say otherwise your just lying i think
Replies: >>18636
you dont even deserve to read all that just go erp with a fat black man LOL
i mean thats like your perfect place in time isnt it? lol no matter who you say you are, i know how fucked you are
actually my natural hair colour is brown
omggggg i don’t understand this rage at all
stop being a dumdum
sweet nightmares~
yeah i guessed it wanst natural blond like mine, probably some dyed crap
i have no rage, ive just always liked making fun of neppy/wish/whoever the fuck you are.
especially after i realized how bad you were.
idk maybe im the bad person, i shouldnt be mean to you since you're basically a retard, this is like ableism or something, nevermind, i think i'll quit this now
i hope you can get better
but people have wanted this for you, and it didnt work. what you need is to be fucking pulverized into a fine paste lol
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i just want everyone on this board to know,
this "WISH" aka "NEPPY" mofo
is literally skin and bones, he is LITERALLY a pasty pale skeleton monster
seriously disturbing to look at, trust me, ive seen his pics
>is literally skin and bones, he is LITERALLY a pasty pale skeleton monster
Lmao what I've seen screenshots of this overweight faggot's limbs
How much of a rolling spherical corpseblob are you are you physically unable to go up stairs and have to use elevators by yourself to avoid exceeding weight limits?
Replies: >>18643
we didnt see the same pics, i could see his bones, all over, it was like auschwitz
goddess bunny.......
lol stupid little baby, from 2004 lmao
wasn't even around for 9/11 stupid STUPID bab
Replies: >>18656
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awawaaa!! grrr,,
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my only friend is Mattress
Replies: >>18660
ok mattress
Replies: >>18661
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magic wwhy do u tease matres so much
Replies: >>18662
I tease him the normal amount
Replies: >>18663
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fwee soo evil,,
have sex neppy
how old is wish really

someone tell me
Replies: >>18685 >>18688
<Nepiophilia is a subtype of pedophilia describing a sexual fixation on children less than 5 years old (including toddlers and infants).
Replies: >>18671 >>18690
He said 27 and then 37 but I know he's been posting himself on esofores since 2016 when he was clearly underage so probably 23
Replies: >>18685
wish underage pics..... .
Replies: >>18688 >>18691
i'm >>18667 and the 37 meme was originally started by me a while ago because i thought it'd be funny. i still don't actually know how old he is though
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>runs and develops your shitty altchan
>datamines you
>btfos pig farmers
>turns to christ instead of being a demonic faggot
>gets 100x more attention from sleepless drug addled demonic pseudofaggots than namefigs on [s4s]
nepiophiles won
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my rare wish collection is gonna appreciate in the future!
Replies: >>18692
if wish kills himself those stocks are going to skyrocket
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nice thread bro
Send some pics as proof
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