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Replies: >>31474
Replies: >>31475
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Replies: >>31476
Replies: >>31477
the one word wonder, literally too stupid to say more
and you're gonna say "oh no i only say one word because i don't like you mwahahaha" like no idiot, i dont like you either, doesnt mean i become a one word autist retard like you, thats a trait exclusive to YOU, JIRU
Replies: >>31479
i don't dislike you
Replies: >>31480
you erp'd with a fat old mexican you are the bottom of the barrel you are the lowest of the low, i am above you in every way and i laugh at your existence
suck my fucking dick whelp, how dare you even act this way to me
Replies: >>31483
i am LITERALLY your tinkerbell and you do this shit jiru
imagine if peter pan fucked with tinkerbell constantly... THATS US
Replies: >>31483
you're unthreatening like a small animal
lol what
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yeah no shit jiru i dont want to go to jail, doesnt mean i wouldnt dismember you given the chance, your life has zero worth to me, you are meat for me to play with, same as its been for years.
Replies: >>31486
but not in that way you sick fucking piece of shit
Replies: >>31487
ya ok bro
wow why did your mind go there
oh ya bro ong bussin no cap shut the fuck up stop talking like a zoomer get some self respect
ohhh why did ur mind shut the fuck up im shutting down shit in YOUR neural pathways, it has nothing to do with me, i feel no attraction towards you at all
in fact i hate you, you think you're hot shit because of your big dick when your personality is milk toast bland GARBAGE, like wtf? what's to like here
Replies: >>31491
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literally jiru tell me what is there to actually LIKE about you
Replies: >>31496
what is interesting about you jiru
Replies: >>31496
did i enter a highschool classeoom
Replies: >>31495
kill yourself you are way below both of us, also filtered eternally
why are you begging for my attention rn
ohhh he wanted to talk to me therefore hes BEGGING
lmao listen to that reasoning, does that even make sense to you on the 2nd pass????
Replies: >>31498
maybe you're just a fun retard to play with, you never thought of that because your ego is too MASSIVE, your ego is way bigger than your dick
Replies: >>31501
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imagine your own big ass ego mogging your dick, COULDNT be me
my ego is a very small amount of energy compared to the energy that makes up the mass of my penis
EVERYONE, jiruposter jerked off with a fat old mexican that could've been his father
i didnt even read what you said it was so boring :P
EVERYONE, jiruposter jerked off with a fat old mexican that could've been his father
EVERYONE, jiruposter jerked off with a fat old mexican that could've been his father
EVERYONE, jiruposter jerked off with a fat old mexican that could've been his father
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jiru can u exit the class i wana stream
dudes like ohhhh yeah i did do that, i did jerk off a fat mexican that was old enough to be my father, and i would do it again..... *puff puff*
the entrenchment in the discord faggotry is unreal, its a good border to notice for me, the one that separates me from your kind
jiruposter's thing is that he has a big dick?...
Replies: >>31511
It's a common self-belief amongst niggers
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