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How do I become like this?
Asking for a friend
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My hand stays in place while the legs do all the work
Replies: >>9519
so you kinda hump the air?
I don't get itttttt!!!!?
Show us the gap
Replies: >>9537
it's not visible due to my male genitalia, and I have pretty thick legs so idk why I even have it, guess it's due to the shape of my hips
Replies: >>9539
I will need to thoroughly examine these parts of your anatomy

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prove it
I'd say he's about the worst
Replies: >>9520
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Replies: >>9536

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do you are have stupid

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i'll be honest, i don't know who Magick is or what this board is and have only used [s4s] a few times since 2013 (i used it a bit the day it was made) but since it seemed to be a trend i posted an [s4s] thread with the name "Magick" and then i got banned for 30 days for "ban evasion" 

why is Magick and anyone using the name Magick banned from [s4s], and why is he ostensibly a "little" "churro", as some claim? did he establish this website in service of a twink procurement endeavor or something of that sort?
14 replies and 4 files omitted. View the full thread
hmm any other options? I'm honestly fine paying for proxies lole

I just don't know of any working ones
Replies: >>9454
well you could pay for tuxler i suppose, if you use premium your ip isn't shared, at least that's what their site says
Magick got all his posts deleted again along with wish.
Munch is back in full force!
I'm getting banned again...
Replies: >>9469
simply post here lole

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Curled up in my warm bed wearing just a hoodie looking at cute cosplay girls during my extended afterglow and eating a warm burrito and also having covfefe
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And then where we will cuddle? Or have s*x? On the floor?!
Replies: >>9459 >>9460
On the porn set
there will be no sex, you old dementia ridden fuck. take your meds and use the old computer to pretend like it's the good ole days of the internet again until you die sitting at your computer seat.
stop eating on your beeeeeed
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average [s4s] bedding

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Is being an anime induced gender nonbinary femboy just this decades embarrassing goth phase?

I wonder what happens to all those qts on r/femboy who suddenly stop posting, many of them are clearly hiding this stuff from their parents and one day they just stop posting, did they grow out of it or do they go into hiding because their parents won't accept their son wanting to become an anime girl.

Either way, it's really sad that men aren't allowed to dress however they want without extreme scorn and risking disownment even in adulthood.
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Replies: >>9296 >>9405 >>9439
>>9294 (OP) 
>Is being an anime induced gender nonbinary femboy just this decades embarrassing goth phase?
Maybe, but if it makes them happy who cares?

>Either way, it's really sad that men aren't allowed to dress however they want without extreme scorn and risking disownment even in adulthood.
The same is true of goth fashion, really. Though it might be making a comeback.
>>9294 (OP) 
you start out with right as motivation then you become left
somwehere between 16 and 20 years old
most men have a window but beyond that it's purely genetics lottery
>>9294 (OP) 
you either troon, twunk or sui

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i want to cover my hug pillow in pussy slime
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Admin! There's a woman here! Get rid of it!
i hate people who hate women
Replies: >>9430
Admin take this user's gaycard
Replies: >>9432
i like both boys and girls
Replies: >>9433
If you like girls so much why don't you marry one?

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21 replies and 4 files omitted. View the full thread
nah she'll be back alright
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none of you are good enough to make me cry
Replies: >>9420 >>9422
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injects the bpd virus into u and it spreads everywhere
wish just pozzed you with the bitch personality disorder
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yoooooo someone call the cops

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It's funny because it's true.
Replies: >>9329
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is this the schizo trollge thread
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Replies: >>9328
>>9325 (OP) 
i will segs the twink
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people always say they do this but no one ever does

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