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Being huge is like a basic qualifying factor for the validity of a penis but almost all of it's value is assessed in it's inexhaustibility
Your Fortune: Super Bad Luck

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My friend wants to detransition because of Trump. She feels dead inside knowing that the whole country turned hostile towards her and the entire trans community.
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Replies: >>36855 + 1 earlier
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Maybe they'll start treating gender dysphoria like they do drug abuse in middle/high school by showing kids what average Joes who undergo hrt look like in their 30s.
Replies: >>36849
Most men in their 30's look like soyjaks with receding hairlines.
Replies: >>36851 >>36856
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True. That's what makes the meme so dislikeable. Like, can aging white dudes at least put in the effort to look like anything but that? 
chopped liver
>>36826 (OP) 
encourage her feelings of resistance to the new GOP regime. Her remaining feminine is a political statement that she should make loudly and proudly~
more men need to be finpilled

or maybe not, it's pretty easy to age gracefully as a man when you're not fat and balding

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Trump will spawn an entire generation of Chris Chan level hons and ugly drag queens by banning youth hrt access
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Replies: >>36854 + 1 earlier
They only give you that for the first three months after taking your bloodwork. Afterwards you get a better prescription.
Replies: >>36794
will they ever give you injected estrogen tho?
Replies: >>36795
Maybe if you ask? I think the pills are better for boob growth though.
Replies: >>36853
reddit says rectal prog is better for boob growth
>>36780 (OP) 
This is what America wanted~
This is what America deserves~

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anine jiracken skovmoj!
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it's rude that there blocking the street
Replies: >>21093 >>36852
>>21080 (OP) 
im not jirai:(
an american would just walk in front of them to get around and be in the video, japs are too passive even when confronted with rude jirackers!
rude jirackem bump
>>21080 (OP) 
It looks just like an American city. 
Right down to the teens doing dances for social media, oh joy.

I hope the video ended because those other Japanese women passersby told them to stop blocking the damn street!

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dont you guys hate it when you are going psychotic but you cant stop betting?
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yuo guys are grown ass men
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You're an npc in my world.
Replies: >>36839
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Replies: >>36841 >>36848
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Tetris DS had infinite spin, and I remember playing a game for like six hours straight. Tetris Plus on PS1 had some pretty good jams, even if the gameplay is kinda meh. OG Game Boy and SNES versions are what I consider the definitive version though.
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In the past, various people have asked me what the Dao is…. My responses have varied depending on the occasion, the circumstances, and the level of my cultivation base. In fact, every single time, I gave a different answer. I’m not even sure what my answer will be the next time someone asks me. 
However, there is one thing that will never change, as far as I can tell. And that is… that I don’t know what the Dao is. There are too many answers to the question. All I know… is that what I am pursuing is freedom and independence. To be free and unconstrained. That is my truth, and that is my Dao! In cultivating truth, what we cultivate… is the heart. 
If your heart is steadfast, it cannot be trampled by Heaven or Earth, nor can it be broken by any living thing. You will never bow your head in acquiescence, and you will be able to advance without hesitation, and you will never stop moving forward. This is the meaning of cultivating the heart and cultivating the truth. It is traveling along the path of cultivation itself. 

Congratulations on beginning to walk the path of Transcendence. Your soul is still lacking, and at the moment, it’s a deficiency you cannot surpass. Leave. You already possess the power to depart from this starry sky. Go out into the Universe and search for the good fortune you need. Perhaps one day you will truly Transcend.

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im gonna play video games when i get home
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Replies: >>36802
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I have been repeatedly promised tummypunches and they are still yet to be forthcoming
Your Fortune: Abandon All Hope

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Fun things are fun
Your Fortune: Super Bad Luck
It's called being a patrician and an artisan.
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Replies: >>36758
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Nuh uh
Who fuck

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>Its not your fault
Say that to my face not online motherfucker see what happens
Your Fortune: You Do Not Wanna Know

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