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i hate being a femboy. fetishes gross me out. sex is disgusting. cum tastes bad.
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you have to punish me properly desu nya ovo
Replies: >>21325
you're grounded, no video games for a week
Replies: >>21326
ill just watch zoo child pron then hfump!
Replies: >>21327
most normal squishy
>ill just watch zoo child pron then hfump!
Where did /zoo/ and /guro/ (that might not have been the link) and the other 3dpd altporn boards go to? Did they end up following the pedophiles onto the account based forums?
It's been a hot minute since I watched zoo porn, might go looking again

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Becoming a femboy typically involves a combination of exercise, diet, and grooming habits. In order to achieve a more feminine figure, it's important to focus on toning certain muscle groups while also incorporating a nutrient-rich and balanced diet. Here's a suggested routine:

Exercise Routine:
1. Cardiovascular Exercise: Perform 30 minutes of low-intensity cardio exercises such as brisk walking, jogging, cycling, or dancing, at least 3-4 times a week. This will help burn calories and promote overall weight loss.

2. Leg Workout: Aim for 2-3 leg workouts per week. Focus on exercises that target the glutes, hips, and thighs such as squats, lunges, and hip thrusts. Aim for 3 sets of 12-15 repetitions for each exercise.

3. Core and Waist Exercises: Include exercises that will help create a more defined waistline. Some effective exercises include Russian twists, side plank hip dips, and bicycle crunches. Aim for 3 sets of 12-15 repetitions for each exercise, at least 2-3 times per week.

4. Upper Body Workout: To achieve a more feminine upper body, focus on exercises that target the chest, shoulders, and arms. Incorporate exercises like push-ups, dumbbell chest presses, lateral raises, and tricep dips. Aim for 3 sets of 12-15 repetitions for each exercise, at least 2-3 times per week.
Oh it's shitposting
>Focus on exercises that target the glutes, hips, and thighs such as squats, lunges, and hip thrusts
Pylometric lunges and stuff do give you a nice ass, this is true
>Include exercises that will help create a more defined waistline
Picking up muscle on my sides literally killed my feminine silhouette
This text looks AI generated
not sending the best

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Some of u
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you could just wear the outfits and leave the girl problems at the door when you come come and take off the lewd clothes
Replies: >>21267 >>21271
Least thirsty chaser squishy
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These are both problems solved by being a loler
hags really are just as disgusting as fat men
Replies: >>21300
i am a loler, i say lol thus i am loler

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blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah
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let me have my moment me greeny
Replies: >>21258
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this is OUR moment o7
Replies: >>21268
blyat spoopa
Replies: >>21269
seize the means of spoopa
Replies: >>21273
its over

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cat burglar

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Imagine this is u
yeah going outside sucks it hurts my eyes

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le toxoplasmosis police

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Yay! Ryou-kun's workaholic mother is finally going to have a day off!
>>20970 (OP) 
will she invite her black friend over for some wine
>>20970 (OP) 
What a GOOD and PROUD little cog of the system, she must have had to work REALLY HARD for her to be granted an annual, single (1) day off! 
If Boomette-san keeps this up she might even get an increase of 2 WHOLE minutes added to her weekly lunch break instead of the usual 5!
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>>20970 (OP) 
Uh oh, he doesn't seem to pleased about going out with his mother. Hey, who are these two?
Replies: >>21139
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What the heck? Ryou-kun's mom forces him to crossdress and use a feminine name!
Replies: >>21248
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Do what here? Turned on to what? Watched doing what? What is that throbbing thing? Oh no, I don't like this at all!

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The new chan dropped!
oh wow haven't seen random pointless ibs that will die in a week get posted in quite some time
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Its pretty ded for the same reasons 99 percent of the chans opened in the last couple years are dead in that its just a general idea with no built in community or targeted community just a chan for the sake of being a chan
Its just another ded chan with no community and no direction which is exactly what the internet needs and everyone should open a chan so the internet becomes a graveyard of 1000s of chans with a hundred or so posts a piece
Good luck altchan guy your ded board is definitely gonna be the one that ignites the alt chan science with your innovative new features like board creation
Hopefully you act really snarky on your boards with an admin tag never seen that before on alt chan
Thanks for this link I'll add it to the 200 or so ded sites I check regularly cause I have no real life and occasionally no has posted on sp in a few minutes

I saw it yesterday but I don't know where I left the charlie brown edit
pretend i posted it instead thanks
Replies: >>21241
why are you making this comment if you know who's behind all of these
Replies: >>21243
ritualposting is like a lesser form of spam for when you don't have eleven hours to spend reloading the page
it's fun, specifically it's satisfying
also like 80-90% of original native posts of the thing were for patchchans anyway

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bran injure
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Replies: >>21242
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is it time to spam random camera roll images Yayyy thts such a fun activity im gonna join in
stroke symtomps
Replies: >>21246
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