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S tier: Danbooru, 4chan
A tier: Pinterest, twitter, any other booru
B tier: Reddit
C tier: PXL_
D tier: unnamed, videoplayback, Snapchat, iphone
E tier: tumblr, FBIMG, Screenshot_-------,
F tier: maxresdefault (12).jpg, IMG_XXXX, hqdefault, images, image, download, latest, sample_
13 replies and 7 files omitted. View the full thread
I had a windows phone around that time too, that's why it sticks out in my memory
I used to cringe at that filename every time
>too many japanese artists try to delete their whole existence out of nowhere
why are so many japanese people inclined towards digital or physical suicide
Replies: >>16441
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iPhone filenames are alright
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Possibly the worst filename I have ever come across in my time on the chon

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i keep screeching but no one pets me what am i doing wrong :c
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hope im not too late
dont worry, even if the outside world is scary rn it can be really beautiful and calming too, and you can meet a lot of nice people
i believe in you, you can do it!! and i hope youre house will be okay!
Replies: >>18096 >>18117
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i just stayed over at a friend's house and just slept the whole time lol it was actually rly nice very queit and peaceful
ty for responding even tho u didnt have2, yuo are a very nice fren C:
Replies: >>18110 >>18117
yaaaaaay!!! im happy its all worked out c:
Replies: >>18117
>my house is getting fumigatered
why did you carry all those insects in there then
now have soft, cute, sensual sex

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jog on the 'log
where the jak
Replies: >>18109
jack, we gladly lack

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who asked
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Uhm, I asked.
Are you going to answer me, or am I gonna need to get out my fucking tazer on you?
Replies: >>18106
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Please do not refer to me as INDIFFERENT. I am sorry for you from the bottom of my HEART. It is certain that I would have cried as much water as is contained in the Atlantic ocean, if my tear ducts were still FUNCTIONING.

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Let me out of this degenerate world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I refuse
Replies: >>18093
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Fuck off. You're not my Oni-Chan.

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Men should be allowed to be cute without fear of getting verbally or physically assaulted.
just be attractive
having sisters and female friends helps a lot too
i tried it once and no one cared and a girl even complimented my painted nails and i complimented their hair highlights and it was nice
They are
It's asking people to think you're cute when you're an uggo that's the crime

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Give it to me straight
Whats the current meta on the pills/drugs/whatever you use to femboymaxx
I need like a laundry list of things and tips please, thank you
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Replies: >>18085
invaluable information :3
Im certain everyone will love me when even my weenie grows sharp biceps
where are this sites wrinkly and predatory groomers when you actually need them to post something useful
Replies: >>18083
Replies: >>18084
dont click its a virus
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>>18043 (OP) 
Entry level would be something like finasteride or dutatsteride which blocks DHT, the puberty hormone that sticks around when you're an adult and makes you bald, gives you prostate cancer and makes you have rough awful sebumy greasy skin.
May have some side effects but it's harmless in most men, it's even prescribed for male pattern hair loss, everything after this will definitely be harmful to your sexual performance and mental clarity.
More advanced stuff is T blockers for softer skin so that free testosterone gets aromatized to estrogen in your body, then you could just upgrade to estrogen but you'll also be starting HRT, some internet femboys do HRT lite but be aware that you will hit the female wall at 30 rather than the male wall in your 50s.

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I bet wish makes a lot of money off paypiggies and compensated dating alone!
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Replies: >>18057
wish is an insufferable person, no way anyone would even want to communicate with that thing (unless if they're equally mentally ill)
Replies: >>18046 >>18051
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>>18045 comeonnn!! hmph..
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>>18039 (OP) 
He is funneling all of m*ttress' autismbux into his wallet
Replies: >>18077
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I haven’t given a penny to wish, as if I’d let a w*man have my hard earned money
Why don’t you target ‘gado who has literally given wish hundreds dollars for existing

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um uhh sorry erm uhhh
14 replies and 8 files omitted. View the full thread
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uhh that was under the condition that you are cute, fem, and have a clean ass
Replies: >>18074
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Hello, I'm here for the scheduled Magick ass eating event.
Replies: >>18072 >>18074
post proof
Replies: >>18074
well duh

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