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Your Fortune: You Do Not Wanna Know
17 replies and 11 files omitted. View the full thread
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I'm fun to fuck with! I am!
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Replies: >>18499
you would eat my butt
Replies: >>18500
eat my cock retard
Replies: >>18501
you would eat my butt

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butte mushroom
a classic

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You never tell me how you feel
Replies: >>17753
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>>17751 (OP) 
i feel like shit
Replies: >>17755
*caress you tummy*
*pats your head*
Do you drink enough water?
i hate niggers
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Every time I try to express genuine emotion or talk about my feelings/hopes/interests on the 'chinz it just gets used against me
i feel great

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Hyperdimension neptunia ruined a whole generation of men.
Nep nep! >‿<
it may be cute, bit it's not a revoltuion

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i want a cute esfores poster to tie me up and force me to orgasm over and over all day until it hurts!
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It's with little pleasure that I inform you that you might just actually be a retard.
Replies: >>18474
it's with little pleasure that i inform you that you might actually have problems with listening and responding, this is common with autistic retards such as yourself, and i hope you can get help with that from psychiatrist, although unfortunately you might just be too far gone to help :(
we can already see the depth of your retardation from the pictures you post, people of value wouldn't even have these things saved, it's quite sad
in fact, one might say, it's OVER
also bye stupid faggot you arent even worth a real reply, too dumb lol

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Imagine being subbed to wow in 2023, so many people are though.
it's so dystopian.

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why does the scent of male genitals have a potential to cause arousal in me, a male? additionally, why is this effect only activated from people i specifically like, thanks.
(saying haha u gay is not an asnwer, thanks.)
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you will look at lesbians and say WOW THAT'S HOT and then look at gay dudes and say ew, you are a hypocrite my man
it's OVER
you're gay AND retarded
Replies: >>18460
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prove it
Replies: >>18467
the internet taught me proof means lewd/nude pictures
Replies: >>18471
things you read on the internet are often wrong, unless they come from a person that has something to lose if they're wrong.

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theres so much serious discussion here instead of funposts
i did that, did you want funposts? here's your fucking funpost *flops out my penis*
yes i admit it, anything i touch becomes what i want it to be, is that good or bad? fuck you, i do what i want.

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putting on ur bottoms flat cage is pretty easy when he's flaccid, pepus goes swishy click click, no more fapping ur bepis
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snip snip
Replies: >>18397
pebis tissue doesn't warp or get damaged if you squish it while flaccid, it just fills up till it encounters resistance and stops, it might get snug tho
what the fuck I made and posted that gif like 6 years ago
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Aggressive chastity cage clinking!
Replies: >>18465

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This schadenfreude runs deep, more than the ocean, more than the stars, more than that old dusty image of you. I'm happy, in a strange way, orgasmic tingling feelings fill me as I see you writhe in your endless night. Is this karma, God's great design? I'm drinking it in, your sweet and bitter wine.
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i didn't get the reference ;_;
you're always a class act, yuji
no one does it better than you
Replies: >>18436
does what?
boring board

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