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You can buy a powder that turns water into milk. So why do we buy gallons of liquid milk?
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Replies: >>36918
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>>36878 (OP) 
You do what I say kittenm
Replies: >>36919
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Replies: >>36920
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Mix the powder and then let it sit for a couple of hours.  It will taste like real milk.

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Anime Trance - Colors Of The Rainbow
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I know you were on nano but were you ever on /THEEND/?
Your Fortune: Extremely Bad Luck Holy Hell What Are You Doing
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>They don't though wtf are you talking about
>only merry goes on adventures
yeah sorry to break it to you but in reality they're both just doing LSD in the club room and babbling unintelligibly
>it's sci-fi so it's a real field
the AI chatbots will already have completely replaced every need for psychologists by the hifuu era so what is she gonna do really
>You can't deny that she isn't smart, though.
okay but she does have a cool fedora
>That's just wrong???
<The girl listening to me talk about my dreams is Renko Usami: the other member of our little club of two, and the one who comes up with most of our activities
>Not really though
or granddaughter
either way she's a descendant so she has those autist genes
>How would that not make her normal
cause sumireko wouldn't raise no bitch
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Replies: >>37028
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<The girl listening to me talk about my dreams is Renko Usami: the other member of our little club of two, and the one who comes up with most of our activities
Nice non-sequitur???
Your Fortune: You Do Not Wanna Know
i also like to ramble and babble about my studies so  with no other information im supporting renko in this debate
I am a huge proponent of sister fisting so I also support Renko.

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The magazine format literally solves the content discovery problem better than any amount of poorly done metadata tagging or searchable databases ever will (and invariably these are super incomplete and don't actually contain the material that should be associated with the other works) and troonslations killing it is yet another way the format and experience is butchered as well as the just the works.
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Pornmags literally don't have this problem cos they're cut and scanned as whole books, which is ironic because they also totally break the metadata conventions of most sites they're uploaded to.
The internet isn't retarded, the people doing data management on these sites are.
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there is the problem that literally all longrunning mags are dogshit, whether they started that way or otherwise
(which is due to, essentially bureaucracy)
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this is why AI will still not be any good in 2125 btw
Your Fortune: Make Sure Your Earthly Affairs Are In Order 
Your Fortune: (Rock) Hard Times Ahead 
Your Fortune: Super Bad Luck 
Your Fortune: Super Bad Luck 
Your Fortune: (Rock) Hard Times Ahead 
Your Fortune: (Rock) Hard Times Ahead 
Your Fortune: You Do Not Wanna Know 
Your Fortune: You Do Not Wanna Know 
Your Fortune: Take Extra Precautions 
Your Fortune: Take Extra Precautions

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What's it like having an older brother? Is it like my yaoi incest mangas and filled with non-stop sexual tension?
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I think in the future I won't answer catposter questions tbh
Your Fortune: Take Extra Precautions
Replies: >>37002
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I asked /b/ for the sauce and they found it
Replies: >>37006
How do you not just know?
Your Fortune: Bad Luck
Replies: >>37023
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I only read yaoi smut from Chinzurena and Nagi Ichi

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wtf is the point of viagra
I mean apart from boomers who persist in loveless marriages, that's an obvious and understandable demographic but I don't think it accounts for all the advertising done with it so clearly there exists a target audience beyond that
why would someone want to get hard but not be aroused?
Your Fortune: (Rock) Hard Times Ahead
When you don't have ED, it makes you last longer in bed, I think /fit/ also promotes cialis because more sex is always good plus it raises your testosterone over time, I forget.
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>it makes you last longer in bed
How could it? Bloodflow has nothing to do with ejaculation.
>I think /fit/ also promotes
/fit/ know literally nothing about fitness, health, working out, hormones, drugs or hormones though
They're a mass of fat manlets and balding ugly dads.
>plus it raises your testosterone over time
Sex or cialis?
Cislis just gives you heart problems over time. Sex doesn't actually raise your testosterone, not being a loser does. Jerking off raises testosterone, as does cumming in general, but this is a short lived effect and doesn't actually reflect in any overall trend, just local peaks. If you don't cum your average testosterone level is practically the same but you might have 5-10% less DHT depending on the study.
Your Fortune: You Do Not Wanna Know

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The incel to tranny pipeline is so real. Never had a chance at pussy until I transitioned became a lesbian.
are you cute at least?

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name calling is cringe
call me princess and tell me how cute I am
don't talk shit faggot
Your Fortune: Expect Ill Tidings
Replies: >>36962
Stinky poo poo dum dum
Replies: >>36989
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Ur not in a position of intimacy lmao
ain't nobody cares what you say
Your Fortune: (Rock) Hard Times Ahead
Replies: >>37013
Squishy my beloved 
Dumb gay durr brain poindexter

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Replies: >>37005
>>36997 (OP)

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just took 3 tabs of nbome,, :glasses:
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Replies: >>36994
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is that so
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magic was the one who told u about the memantine

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