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hi Magick

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how well do you eat?
like shit
all my homies eating well
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last night i got indian i had cashew curry and biryani with mushrooms and peas it was rly nice c:
Replies: >>19038
rolly roll

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having the opportunity to socialise and make friends in real life is just showing me how non-human I am. I shouldn't be allowed to have fun. I feel like a creature burning in the sun after my stone was lifted. I'm not even a real person. I'll regret it all. Stop talking to me ahhhhhhhh
Replies: >>19031
>>19030 (OP) 
dude stop bragging
bro, you're just trying to make friends with the wrong people. don't try and be something you're not. just be you, and make real friends who enjoy your company. quit chasing those parasitic relationships born out of vanity desu.

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if you push your beposi inside of you and then rub it like a clitty making sure to firmly hold it in to not to let it expand, and then using a vibe on it, it's kinda like schlicking like s girl, I just thought that was interesting
lol you need a machine to cum
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Women are biological machines designed to make men cum.
frenulum bully

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maybe people are characters
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beautiful boy, i love you <333
Replies: >>18879
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i have to get my feelings out in silly jokes because i can't bring myself to talk about the things i need to talk about.
that's fine, squishy. vulnerability is almost inherently difficult in environments that prevent you from being you, and instead force you to adopt a persona inorder to protect your true feelings. it's okay, we all do this.
cum harder
Among the maxims on Lord Naoshige’s wall there was this one: «Matters of great concern should be treated lightly.» Master Ittei commented, «Matters of small concern should be treated seriously.» Among one’s affairs there should not be more than two or three matters of what one could call great concern. If these are deliberated upon during ordinary times, they can be understood. Thinking about things previously and then handling them lightly when the time comes is what this is all about. To face an event anew solve it lightly is difficult if you are not resolved beforehand, and there will always be uncertainty in hitting your mark. However, if the foundation is laid previously, you can think of the saying, «Matters of great concern should be treated lightly,» as your own basis for action.

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wash your balls
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Replies: >>18961
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is that supposed to offend me?
Replies: >>18927
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by the grace of sigmar i will cleanse you, greenskin scum!
lain tools
>>18923 (OP) 
no matter how many times I wash my balls they immediately start to smell it's crazy how strongly they smell of sex all the time it turns me on so much help
Replies: >>19011
use more soap

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Replies: >>18960
>>18949 (OP) 
you can upgrade to she when u post bussy
Replies: >>18968
ur so clueless

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Reminder that the ocular globes undergo rotational motion that is diametrically opposed to the rotational excursion of the cephalic region when an individual performs cranial movements. It is extremely important to emphasize that the veracity of this phenomenon remains unverifiable and hence resists refutation.
nah g

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U r Dum nd Bun100%

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