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most of you
Replies: >>40605
when will i be saved from crippling loneliness by a misaki type figure
Replies: >>38834
lmao loser
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misaki type figure
>>38832 (OP) 

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you ever just hornybuy stuff late at night?

i asked chatgpt and it says I'm a size 6 or M pantsu size with my 39 inch hips
amazon says the same thing, hope they fit!!

Your Fortune: Expect Ill Tidings
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I don't really use panties, bras or under clothes. I just wear nothing underneath. Slip my shorts off and my ass is ready to be fucked instantly. Lift my shirt and my tits are ready to be played with. Don't fall for the cotton jew and learn to wear the least amount of clothes as possible.

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Imagine the smell

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I got shoulder checked by a terrier today
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Now that you mention it I haven't seen the shoulder checking cat for a while now. 
Maybe it's gone inside for the winter.
Replies: >>40587
Replies: >>40592
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No you~

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last night i dreamt that somebody loved me..
Stage 1 of my dream control scheme is a success.
Replies: >>40591
Replies: >>40591
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<I bought a starter dildo
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does stuffing ur butt really feel that good
Replies: >>29587
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Depends on what you mean.
It feels exactly as good as has been described in this thread, no more and no less. IMO the best part is no how good it feels, but how bad it doesn't feel compared to the alternative.
In terms of peak quality in the moment there isn't any difference between good anal masturbation and good masturbation or good sex (though the accessibility of good examples is in that order so on average anal is superior). Orgasms aren't really a localized experience, it's all driven by mental factors and hence independent of method; if this wasn't the case, then normalfags wouldn't even be able to cum. That said, anal masturbation feels a lot less bad after the fact than jerking off. It's like getting tired from doing exercise instead of sitting in one place and getting stiff and getting tired just from exhaustion.
Replies: >>29594
Go stuff yourself with a man's cock instead of toys
Replies: >>29595
The bad sex and weak dick is all yours, fagtron
bumping to remind nefigs what a quality thread looks like

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what it feels like to post on [s4s]
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Rabbits generally want to have their feet against something so that's a bad way of holding it in the first place
Of course it's going to freak out if you're holding it out in space
Replies: >>31199
>Rabbits generally want to have their feet against something
Rabbit footjob
Replies: >>31200
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Rabbit feet seem to be pretty sensitive or at least they almost all react pretty strongly to their feet being touched so I can see this being a pretty meaningful proposition
For actual rabbits rather than bunny girls I don't think they could really put both feet like, around a pen*s because their hips don't really rotate outwards like that.
Replies: >>31201
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Surprised how long it took me to start color-to-alphaing things

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wtf hentai lied to me
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Replies: >>40446 + 1 earlier
The wild uterus in her cave, clutching at her eggs to keep them warm.
Replies: >>40418
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>>40401 (OP) 
that tummy chub that skinny girls have isn't actually fat, you're seeing their uterus poking out behind the fat pad and it's so hote
Replies: >>40447
u'll never have sex
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some of you
Replies: >>40564
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the ideal male body

need marin gf (male)
i have this body type
Replies: >>40577
>>40549 (OP) 
>covering up the boynips 
you fuckingg tease
ai slop
hote if true

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Are you getting ready for some sloppy lovey dovey Valentine's Day sex in a few days?
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are there cute crossdressers at drag bars or just garish makeup and ugly men?
maybe they mean a dive bar
It's kind of a mixed bag. Some old drag queens, a few trans girls and a few hobby crossdressers. Just expect a ton of older guys who wanna hookup with you and buy you drinks.
depends on the location honestly? idk about op but there’s a bunch of lgbt nightclubs and stuff where i live and ive met a few cute ppl, but this stuff is also more accepted here i think (im not american)
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It's almost Valentine's Day. Any of you girls and boys have smexy plans?

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