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just read the shoki, the real one, the good translation of the actual original (insofar as any of these texts have a good actual original)
some comments

the lack of an actual (world) creation myth is hella cool. You really get the sense that it's a local history and that the separation of heaven and earth was something happening in the background because of whatever celestial politics above the characters heads. Like, there's reference to a celestial hierachy that the founding characters are already several generations down on but everything that actually happens clearly concerns japan. The ongoing separation of heaven and earth is happening in real time and the distance is made reference to, but the actual cause of the seperation is never mentioned at all.

oni are actually female
the shikome (aka hisame) are in the original and in the alt. ver. they're the eight thunders (i.e. the oni) and it's clear that they're the same characters (the etymology of hisame is even similar, being ~storm)
particularly with the shikome/hisame clearly being identified as the primitive boogeymen in the same sense as the 'cover your navel when there's thunder' sense of oni as boogeymen, they're clearly the same thing (and very explictly female)

I'm amazed at the degree to which amaterasu is actually the authority and active ruler of the local heavenly realm (i.e. absolutely). Considering that all the pre-japanese-literature historical documents from the mainland talk about the ruler of the unified island as an empress it really seems like himiko etc. probably were real or at least considered to be real by all the chinese and later japanese (which is the same as being real).
Given the chinese history of sort of offshoot female rulers in the local environs (pirate queens etc.), this isn't really that surprising. It's still pretty interesting, especially since it's clear that it's a theocratic monarchy.

Izanami likewise doesn't flinch a fucking step. Izanagi literally shits himself and runs away and she equitably accepts the divorce, there's never an actual contention where they compete (in the line where he seals the entrance to stymie the shikome/oni, izanami has already been to where he is and left a message with the guard). Everyone else dies when they die and izanagi retires to be a minor shrine diety in his daughter's court but izanami continues to be on the offensive in their relationship and doesn't seem to give a fuck about having died at all. It's actually kind of shocking that characters who die are actually dead in an ancient mythology but she's the only exception.

Yomi is consistently characterized as a series of winding roads. Other than associations with a low place and distance from heaven, there's little to suggest that it's the underground/hell/gehenna-like place it's usually depicted as in modern fantasy or from the indians (or their descendants). If I was to be generous and assume that it is a cavern, the idea of a huge number of long and winding roads (and entrances clearly on the surface) suggest that it's more like a mass of long and winding "roads" as in tunnels in a cave system.
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someone should read this
Replies: >>31374 >>31399
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lol your dere is overflowing, I wasn't really prepared for this
It's so funny to me that he goes on such lengthy tangents as if it matters on this dead site and then fucking no one reads them 
Even being a braindead zoomie playing video games all day is less of a time waste than what he's doing
Replies: >>31410
wtf are you doing here if you're not trying to waste time?
I've had a thought for the shoki anon at least once a month for 4 months

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For me it tastes the way snot tastes, but with a bleachy salty taste that slips around in your mouth and gets stuck in the back of your throat.
If I wasn't already extremely aroused from giving my gf a sloppy BJ I would probably think it's gross.

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change my mind
1. you wil never have a gf
2. your weird
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Replies: >>31384 >>31397
>>31376 (OP) 
Replies: >>31385
Replies: >>31387
It speaks volumes that Magick hasn’t denied this accusation.
Replies: >>31388
It's just bruising from the chastity cage
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>>31376 (OP) 

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Did you know that men have a small 1cm vestigial vagina in their urethra at the center of the prostate called the prostatic uticle, it opens and contracts like a cervix during ejaculation so it literally does the same thing just tiny and pretty useless, it doesn't go anywhere or lead to any ducts or glands.
It's also known as the vagina masculina or uterus masculinus or (in older literature) vesicula prostatica.
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*vagina masculina (uterus masculinus)*
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bitch this is way above my pay grade
It literally makes ejaculation possible by lowering the pressure on the tubes when it contracts according to what seems to be the accepted view

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She can run but I can outrape her.
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lol she said nigger
Replies: >>31381
She is not a fan of melanated individuals

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why does weight loss have to be so slow, I did the numbers and you lose like 10g of body weight for every hour you don't eat.
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remember boys, purging is only gross if you use the same hand that you goon with.
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>maybe their antecedote was wrong?
It's my own anecdote, based on how much I was eating to gain/lose weight when I was competing. My daily intake was about 6-10MJ when I was cutting, and between maybe 14-22MJ when I was putting on weight.
>4000 calories in a day
4000 calories is twice twice the RDI daily total, I'm saying that by being a young man with a higher basal metabolic rate than the average woman and doing a reasonable amount of exercise you can get your total daily expenditure to half that.
>4000 calories in a day is athlete levels of calorie burn
It was 21-27hrs of moderate+ intensity exercise a week but tbqhwyf doing 1-1.5hrs of higher intensity stuff felt way harder  (e.g. freestyle wrestling and it's warmups vs. bleh stuff like BJJ or boxing classes) and probably burnt more calories than 4.5hrs of the cringe stuff.
>that's like running 12 miles a day.
100 minutes of moderate intensity exercise a day really isn't a crazy number, if a little higher than I'd say most people should aim for on a weekday.

BMR literally varies by like 2.5x between an average large man and a smaller woman anyway, if you're not a manlet you probably can get to 4k calorie expenditure/day pretty easily (after you've put on muscle).
Replies: >>31377

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If you wish to keep your house free from ants, all you have to do is to put up a notice at the place where they come in, " Admittance, one cash each person." The econolnical ant goes no further.

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the extremely masculine urge to get caught in an autoerotic feedback loop where you're attracted to your own reflection and it lewds u up and seeing yourself get lewded up arouses you even more until you spill your seed all over the floor!
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Replies: >>31356
what did he say
Replies: >>31339
The word of our lord and saviour Jesus Christ
ohhh yeah, chrome for android added this weird image picker thing a few versions ago and it loads much faster than the one I was using, this new one changes filenames and does something with the images, maybe it's re-encoding them, do they look worse than before?
Replies: >>31356
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Looks exactly the same to my untrained eye. But >>30356 (OP)  is a smaller filesize than >>31322
Taking the difference of them in GIMP they're the exact same image to the pixel so I guess it's just a worse(?) encoding of the same data
>it loads much faster than the one I was using
Lossy image encodings (unlike lossless lole) have improved a lot in the past decade, with google in particular giving zero fucks about compression and trying to wring out as much speed as they can in lossy compression (I'm sure that's good for their AI metadata too lolemao) so it's probably google thumbnailing them in some proprietary format that they can convert to/from and they've decided to use bigger jpgs to store things as cos they're faster to open or something.
This has led to a journey into getting a new pet peeve in a 'feature' (being black point compensation) that you would never want that's on everywhere all the time that midwits will literally barge into threads about people asking for help with an issue caused specifically by it saying that you must never ever turn it off and it should be on all the time when it's literally causing the issue and the actual solution that the user did in some cases get help in finding was to turn it off.
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Replies: >>31372
someone should read this

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Replies: >>31367
>>31365 (OP) 
Replies: >>31368
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WAIT I MEANT THIS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Dogcock is fast arriving
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it was mediocre at best
dog cock
theoretical dog cock from a practical dog cock provider
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Practical dog cock from the same provider was really good btw
Magick dogfart subscription

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