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came while in chastity and now I feel great
time for some much belayed yoga
literally how do you do that, cages hurt, i dont like wearing them
Replies: >>29120
i like it when my dick is BIG and THROBBING not literally squeezed into a blistering pulp you fucking psycho
Replies: >>29127
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In this case it was mostly taking a vibrator to the cage more than the anal with regards to actually getting white goo out on the field
In terms of orgasm count without regards for cum anal is/was/will top though of course
>cages hurt, i dont like wearing them
Don't buy bad cages
Pull the actual ring into your body with some kind of rigging rather than letting it hang on your balls.
This was >>21829 with an elastic lace in a shoelace bow passing around my body and through the insides of the ballcatch ring and tied above/infront of the cage, sitting in the indent against the lock.
Also the comments on >>22785 seem mostly wrong, I was using the harness wrong and/or a bad harness.
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cute skinny boys with huge cocks are the best

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boys smell like smegma and dirty socks
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in this order
be a vtuber
be a bee
Replies: >>29078
im bees
i-im not dum!

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literally everyone loves me
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literally everyone loves me butt?

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Ok here's the truth I come here to feel better about mysefl because no matter how bad things are, everyone else here is a bigger loser and I hate you all so much it makes me feel good and happy inside that I am better than all of you in every way lole
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There are a lot of them
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everyone on this board is desperately attempting to troll me. pathetically desperately. they have nothing else in life besides annoying strangers on the internet. and they come here because they wouldn't get any attention on a bigger board
Replies: >>29086
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only admin knows where i currently live
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how is ur job?
unm,, well,, on paper its pretty fancy i guess,,

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hi guys my name is pewdiepie and today well be discussing who i hate the most and tolerate the most from 4chan so i hate magick the most and tolerate wrinkly the most
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Replies: >>29064 + 1 earlier
stop looking thru my files
Replies: >>29063
i just lost $60 accidentally because i misplaced the sell price
>>29049 (OP) 
do u hate me or tolerate me?
Replies: >>29065
Replies: >>29066
yay thanks ^^

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Why is Germany banned from /bant/?

Posting from your IP range has been blocked due to abuse. [More Info]
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but i can still post on s4s
Replies: >>17939
>>17912 (OP) 
Jokes or /bant/er are not possible to make using the German language.
Replies: >>17943
germans are so boring and cado is a perfect example
Replies: >>29058
Replies: >>29060

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please help me get a gf
i fuck off forever
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no one can help you but yourself, there's your help
Dating site.
Replies: >>21290
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a rat is in the works making a [s4s]cel dating site
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i go to the gym now
weren't you going to fuck off forever

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based? based on what?

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its my birthday
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hi i had multiple panic attacks but my partner will order thc for me when shes awake
Replies: >>29002
um i think thc can make things worse but i haven't looked at it that much. though maybe cbd could help i think. if you're having panic attacks maybe you could try pregnenolone along with 1g theanine daily or something? i've never had a panic attack but pregnenolone has been very calming for me whenever i take it
Replies: >>29004
i can try it
thc was good for me when i tried it for anxiety.. ill take l theanine
Replies: >>29008
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oegy ^^ i hope it works 4 u, also when taking pregnenolone its important to have some sugar ands tuff (maybe a cup of milk with a spoon of sugar or honey in it) cause from what i've read alot of the people who have a good experience with it do that aswell but everyone processes it different i just think maybe that makes it easier for your body, good luck!

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