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[Hide] (4.4KB, 48x48) unironically turned me transgender
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Can a doughnut be considered a pastry-based onahole?
Replies: >>10884
A filled donut maybe.
They're really gross though.
Replies: >>10886
What about a ring doughnut?
Replies: >>10887
Just put the donut on ur pepis and have ur bf eat it

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adjust your speedos life forms!
cute red glasses madokanon
I wonder what madokanon looks like
Replies: >>10875
Like madoka but turkish
I hear madokanon died in a very weird way unfortunately you will never get to see what he looks like.
It's so sad that a bodybuilder athlete in speedos emerged from the cracks in the ground in Turkey and then bench pressed Madokanon until he died.

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hold me, whatever lies beyond this morning, is a little later on, regardless of warnings the future doesn't scare me at all
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im gonna blow your brain away, oh lord please dont try me today, i got a shotgun i dont keep in a safe, wake up in the morning said fuck today
Replies: >>10883
hey stinky, hey hey

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why do you drink so much hipster milk?
Replies: >>10829
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>tastes terrible
You're crazy. They're literally just squeezing out water (and hence sugar therein) so you get more milk per milk. I've never seen one which isn't skimmed down to normal milk fat levels so you get more body and milk-taste and less of that horrible cereal-water rice&sugar taste.
>for what reason do you get it?
Protein and energy/sugar ratio approaches decent (especially for the 'full' fat), it's convenient.
Because it's good for you and I don't like eating (or drinking, and it's a fair amount of daily water too). Maybe if I had a maid to constantly make tea and coffee and cook the meat/eggs and scrape the fucking ash off the iron it'd be different but as it stands if I want to cook like a day or two's worth of meat it takes 30-40 minutes and then I have to wash and scrape and soak and scrape the pan and then actually do the dishes before I can use that stuff again.
And the only decent steakhouse in my area closed nationally (I think they stopped all international branches) like as soon as lockdowns started.
Replies: >>10868
just do the dishes man
Replies: >>10872
room temperature milk really makes you feel like a kid at an orgy
I do
It takes so long that it makes me want to not cook though. You do the fucking dishes, I'm not wasting three hours twice a day on this shit. Have you ever actually cooked on anything that's foodsafe or are you using literal flakes-of-plastic-and-asbestos-in-my-food tier surfaces?
Also it's way more convenient than drinking water.

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When is this board going to have a meetup?
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why does the bottom of his shoes look so scuffed also the tattoo is giving me prostitute vibes
Replies: >>10849 >>10856
i licked them too hard
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>i licked them too hard
Replies: >>10851
cute boycchi
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i just went on aliexpress and fell down a rabbithole, they have so many nice outfits, some of them aren't even expensive, it's all basically cosplay tho.
Replies: >>10834
>>10833 (OP) 
forgot to say, pic not related, this one is just a piss basic hoodie with ears but it's p cute
Never had good experience with a dress.
A skirt I got from scarlet darkness is wildly higher quality than any of the skirts I've bought before (even though it's a cosplay shop as far as I can tell) so maybe I'll try again.
tbf dresses are just less convenient in general, what I actually want is probably closer to flasher coats
Replies: >>10842
beginning the attack on norwalk california
I always liked the look of dresses with flashy coats.

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criatura extraña

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Micker is real in my heart!
Accept micker into your kokoro today!
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bumping to remind newfigs what a quality thread looks like
Replies: >>7918
>on this dead board with like 5 people in it
Replies: >>7919
he thinks 5 people counts as dead in altchans
proving his point
Bumping to remind oldf*gs what a quality thread looks like!

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Excuse me, Mr Magick.
I have recently called you cute in this post >>>/s4s/10595811 however you have not replied back to me.
It is established in social norms that you respond to my message with your own message of gratitude however this has not occurred.
Mr Magick I am owed thanks and if you do not give me what I deserve I will type expletives into this thread.
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Identityfag relentlessly on social (media) platforms.
Acting like an attentionwhoring bitch works in person too.
Replies: >>8908
don't you have to be hot as well for the latter to work
Replies: >>8909
I'm hot anyway so I couldn't tell you
Replies: >>8911
are u marin irl

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Spore isn't about collecting DNA
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Collect my DNA inside your bussy.
yes it is
that game was such a letdown
Replies: >>10793
is it about collecting DNA?
Replies: >>10794
what does "collecting DNA" even entail
anyway it's basically an evolution simulator where you guide a species from a simple cellular organism to an animal to finally evolving sapience, civilization and then achieving interstellar flight 
i mean it's kinda fun, but  the game drastically changed/was simplified when it was finally released compared to what it was like during the first alpha builds i saw

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