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This game is getting an anime?

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soft stupid psuedo-intellectual boys
the feeling of having your insides pushed aside on the first thrust

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sometimes I imagine that they are at least partly female users on this site, but then i snap back to reality
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Please snap your fucking neck next
Replies: >>31589
today i will remind hem
i would probaly be like this too if my genitals would bleed every month lole
just imagine how dry that pussy will get once they realize theyre talking to such a whiny bottom bitch as gado after stumbling on that picture of his with that dumb fucking autismo stare lol
Replies: >>31592

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sults4sale is my Limbus

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What are you looking at, anone?
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can any cookie otaku explain why is this character always drawn as a boy
Replies: >>31569 >>31573
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also, lole...
idk but tohou cosplayers are always boys
I'm not a cookie otaku but that's because it's a boy
That boy is just one of the most popular marisa variants

All marisafags have turboretardation though

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I swear this is a really old song
This manga isn't very good
Replies: >>31297
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honestly the first episode was a bit underwhelming
not by any means bad, i'm probably going to keep watching it and enjoy it, but i really like absurdist humor so i guess i went into it with really high expectations
Replies: >>31298
Yeah I mean I haven't looked at the animeme but the book gives me the impression of that uh
like someone trying too hard to ape something (that they like) but which they don't really understand or have talent for. Like, y'know, someone who likes something and is genuinely passionate but is just incompetant.
The art is good though.
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okay this is actually pretty great i take back what i said earlier

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my image from years ago
my image from years ago
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Replies: >>31563
my image from years ago
Replies: >>31564
probably around 4 or 5 years ago

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just posting cute boy meido to bump one gross fetish thread off the pink [s4s]!

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Replies: >>19759
What a weird fucking image
anzu and kirari are the same age. Real adult anzu doesn't have tits
Replies: >>19820
It's the same anime logic as anzu and kirari being the same age canonically but anzu looking 8 and not 18.
Replies: >>31513
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But anzu does look 17, she's just small.
There's never any sort of plot about her getting mistaken for a child, and she's taller than all the chidols anyway (and only a token 1cm shorter than the 11-12 year olds who are mostly the same height to the cm). There aren't that few tiny minuscule little asian women and she's an idol so the idea that she was scouted specifically because she is ~4'7", which is indeed the canon and her backstory implies that she was scouted super aggressively specifically for that reason.
You wouldn't be able to tell anything about anyone's age from the artstyle anyway since it glosses over the fact that the young children would all have horrible nasty fucked up teeth and wonky bent up faces but also almost all the media that is presented as high-def she'd be caked in makeup and seen through a camera lens anyway.
The image is just retarded. Kiara's persona is to a large extent deliberately cultivated in response to her own height and how people have treated her because of it. If she was smaller than the real anzu than she wouldn't have the dodgy homemade accessories. It's especially fucked up cos they've made her fat like a toddler, and anzu isn't even fat even though she's lazy, and kiara is hyperactive.

Man, scrolling through some of the new ankira on the wiki was healing, even if it was more like delihealth.
Replies: >>31550

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