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How bad will things get under Trump? The Left doesn't care about us anymore and was probably just using us for some jewish agenda. While Trump can just pass an anti-trans law to keep his clapping seals entertained and create the illusion of "winning" against the "Left". Feels like we've become a sacrificial lamb to boost Trump's approval numbers if he fails in securing the border, floods the country with pajeets or starts a new war for his jewish masters. Boomers unironically think we're all child groomers that wanna cut their son's dicks off and rip off their daughter's tits. So we'll get no sympathy from anyone and nobody will try to stop Trump from screwing us over in the long run.
Replies: >>40773
>>40770 (OP) 
>Boomers unironically think we're all child groomers that wanna cut their son's dicks off and rip off their daughter's tits
Shouldve done something about that stigma and called freaks like those out, started a movement or something. There's a definitely a sizeable number of those like that out there 
Watching only after your own interests, gooning all day and calling people homophobes with other slurs thrown in when they don't accept you, doesn't help with your image and neither does it stir people's emotions in a way they'll like you, this is a problem with lgbt in general though
Replies: >>40774
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It's not my fault. I was busy playing Fallout New Vegas and gooning to Nagi Ichi's yaoi doujinshi.

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I'm on drugs, I've been on drugs this whole time
39 replies and 19 files omitted. View the full thread
also u replied while i was typing that
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Replies: >>40768
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now let me wrap my arms around you
3 years ago...
Replies: >>40769
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honestyl such a classic era

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Imagine the smell
Replies: >>40767
>>40596 (OP) 

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I started slut maxxing after making friends with a few drag queens:
>Black leather choker
>Thick goth girl eye makeup
>Black or deep red lip stick
Now I feel like I'm a diffrent person when I go to the drag bar in makeup. Like I found the trans version of going Super Saiyan.
top or bottom?
Replies: >>40766
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How do these incels not crack under social pressure and become girls to cope with their male loneliness and failed social life?
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pretty sure they'd like having loving  parents as a child more than coming out as trans tardo
Replies: >>40744 >>40747
were the pinkpillers lying to me?
lack of neglect ultimately stunted me
i wish i didn't have to live in fear of disappointing my family
can’t really know that if you’ve never felt what having parents is like
neglect is a subtle trauma but it changes your entire worldview

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magick is always so horny, imagine how frustrating it would be for her to keep her in chastity and then hiding the keys nd not allowing her out!
me hiding the keys to magick's chastity belt
Replies: >>40741
Why hide it when you can grind the key smooth with a file?

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are you sick of shaving?
just get some fake translucent pantyhose tights so you can have effortlessly silky smooth legs whenever you want, they even keep you warm in the winter
Replies: >>40733
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>>40731 (OP) 
Only skinny asian legs can pull off paper thin pantyhose. Trans girls should just wear cozy thigh high socks.
Replies: >>40739
Magick, there's no excuse anymore. 
Post the nudes, you can cover up your unshaven legs with socks.
I should get one of those kigu bodysuits, maybe I should become kigu.
squishes should strive to dress cute, not slutty!

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those of you who dislike cages...
Replies: >>40724
panties and cage are a goated combo tho
>>40672 (OP) 
If ur panties are tight enough you won't even get a boner, it'll stay smol and soft in ur pantsu
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If you're gonna buy panties, remember that women's underwear is sized based on hip size rather than waist size, so a 34-36 inch waisted (male) in a men's L size underwear would likely have 38-39 inch hips (use a tape measure around the fullest part of the butt and hips) and they'd fall under a medium or size 6 panties.
Just completely ignore the waist size on women's measurements they're not meant for you.

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how do i clean the bottom of my fleshlight its kinda starting to get brown and thats unappealing even when i can not see it in the plastic tube its in...
i might have to throw it away even thou i clean it throuhly every time i use it
Replies: >>40723
>>40720 (OP) 
you're supposed to flip it inside out or at least dry it completely before storing
Replies: >>40727
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uhh i did that >_<

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