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the urge to cum wont go away even after doing it 5 times in a row, only the dead can know peace from this evil
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bold of you to assume i dont
Replies: >>22749
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Try jerking off after the anal
I've often had this problem but 20 minutes of good anal followed by shooting goo 2-3 times always solved it for me
maybe you're doing the anal wrong
Replies: >>22750
probably, i think i need a dildo instead of a massager, i can never hit the right spot well enough or long enough to get the juices flowing
Replies: >>22751
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> i think i need a dildo instead of a massager
Only sort of small sized massager I've had any success with is doing a sort of curved thrusting with an aneros. Got a big prostate orgasm from that and it felt really repeatable but I didn't shoot skeed from it (though I wasn't backed up either) at the time.
I've got a >>22045 but it doesn't really work that well imo. Maybe if you're a fat old retard with a swollen prostate, but you're trying to press on a small ~vegetable hard divided ball with another sphere in a space which is squishy and flexible, like you're trying to crush a marble with another marble. Get real.
>a dildo
Dildos are definitely the way to go for actual assisted masturbation (not the gay kind).
If all you want is to enhance a penile orgasm your goal is basically to just press up into the prostate area. Usually using 1hand riding with it pitched forward, though I wouldn't suggest this specifically for your situation if my later reasoning is correct.
If you want to produce horny when there's little to none left you want a dildo with lots of texture and varied width (I imagine the classic standard "kebab of beads" anal massager from japanese cartoons or the humble anal beads work too but I don't have personal experience), driven by some sort of reliable thru
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>Do you get like a small amount of drips of piss?
specifically, not when masturbating, just in general when you're feeling like this or after going to the toilet while feeling like this
I get that when my dick is too beat up and think it's related

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Finally good art marries good writing
braindead neurons posted this thread
how to phrase narrative direction

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Being happy is probably not for me...

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imagine someone hiding all your clothes while you're showering and they leave some girls clothes on your bed for you to wear
you don't want to catch a cold, so you put it on
almost immediately, your anger and frustration melts away, you start to feel warm and fuzzy, the airy feeling between your legs is one you've never felt before, it feels nice
you run up to the mirror and you're greeted not by your own reflection, but by a cute girl
she's standing right behind you
Replies: >>22676
but i don't want to go in the unpassable cross-dresser compilation
Page 188 save rave!
Replies: >>22624
no way you remember that meme
>>4582 (OP) 
i'd make a towel out of those girl clothes covering my massive schlong only and risk a cold than be caught wearing this

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we will take everything from them except your television 
we will make sure that there is nothing relevant on TV that will disturb your everyday life in any way whatsoever
we will make sure that the alcohol in the discounter remains so cheap 
so that you can drink your head off once a week
every four years we organize elections to make it look like we care about your opinion
and to make it look like we do so that it seems that something changes at all
every 2 years a sporting highlight so that the collective everyday life is drowned out by the dream of joy.
and if you have eaten all this as a god given
the unemployment, the senselessness, and the national debt
then we'll cut your salaries
so they can see how good they had it before
and then if someone opens their mouth 
then we still have international terrorism up our sleeve
then we will scare you for so long that it will go through your bones
and then at the latest they will eat out of our hands
Replies: >>22675
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why must i become a lawyer inorder to navigate the bureaucracy that is my life? why does going with the flow mean drifting down dire straits? why do i keep putting up with the humiliation just to receive a modicum of comfort that always eventually stales anyways? 

all these thoughts circle round in my head. i rarely ever feel grounded anymore. i'm wanting a retreat in deep nature to heal from the harm of society.
>>22308 (OP) 
cool mass shooter manifesto 
please kill as many rich people and politicians as humanly possible

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In Galicia the main bank doesn't open in the afternoon at the criteria of the employees. Thank God I survived all weekend and I withdraw some cash in the morning.
seems comfy, life just moves more slowly when institutions aren't expected to run 24/7

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nothing good ever happens...
Replies: >>22518
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>>22517 (OP) 
im too nice for this world ..

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There's such a small small difference between you and me
(woo hoo)
So stop saying that there's simply something wrong
better wake up and change it
(change it)
You can change it if you try

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i love magick c:
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im a cute tiny little tiny tiny little wishe
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Replies: >>22257
>fuck you
fuck me you coward
Replies: >>22258
autism spectrum
Replies: >>22258
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