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my neew c cage is.. too big like way too big
someone with a dick this big wouldn't be wearing a cage, like what the fuck don't they know their market....
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i thought you hated glowniggers
Replies: >>25445
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not anymore buddhist say let go of resentment and when i look back at what happend it was probaly good that they thought i was a terrorist and that they arrested me on the street while putting a gun into my face 
i'm not even mad that they were in my gmail account i still wonder who Douglas Harris is
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Replies: >>25447
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The fucking drives me crazy. Hey, this is all driving me crazy! Women! Always the same! Always the same fucking around and messing around, they're so cheap, dude. They're so cheap! I don't... I don't... I want... I can't say that I hate women, but they're so cheap, I have to talk about it. Most of the people who do... they want to cover it up: "Don't tell me, please don't spread the word that you fucked me, it stays between us, I have a guilty conscience anyway." So no dick can listen to that kind of bullshit, right? And then they want to do twosomes or threesomes and foursomes, and all those experiments... They're all whore bitches. And then they're surprised when you talk about the whole fucking thing... Such fucked up pussies, you know where they belong, hey... I always say: The whores are sophisticated. They take the money. They're sophisticated, the others let themselves be fucked like that, and then they fall in love, they're so stupid! Then they fall in love: “Oh, the man, he's my dream man, he's so hot, he's so nice, he's... that was such a beautiful evening, that was so Romansh…” All fucked up pussies! Stuck! Don't be angry. And then they cheat, I know it! I've already fucked so many women who had boyfriends... I'm the last masserfucker... mothers fucked the chins, dude! They are so ridiculous, they are so stupid, the women. They move from one to the other and that's where they catch the disea
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cages are for flaccid length and have literally nothing to do with the size of your dick
it's probably for niggers

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 i lit a cigarrette after fapping and the cum clot got stuck in it (lighter)
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Replies: >>25431
stop uploading h265 videos due their  patented nature they do not play in firefox
Replies: >>25433
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you can download them and watch them in VLC media player

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Magick is obviously in love with me.
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not yet :3
lmao even
Replies: >>25409
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at least you get the joke haha
Replies: >>25410
just got magi mushroom
Replies: >>25412
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i want to have Magick,s muchroom too :3

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probing thread made after getting drunk and possibly doing dumb shit
Replies: >>25411
probing? you mean anal

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i will heal from my bpd btw.
i will do it for my sweet nii nii and myself nd i will succeeded bc im together with my guaridan angel in this
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Replies: >>25383

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progesterone is a hell of a drug
Replies: >>24408
>>24403 (OP) 
rectal administration
We need to get wish hooked on tren
buy tramadol online

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I need fucking drugs
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also have sex, because you don't have sex
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Warmly waiting till I hear what
>let's not talk about schizophrenia or drug-induced psychosis/ptsd either
was supposed to be about.
Replies: >>25375 >>25377
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he's just retarded and will say stupid stuff when cornered/nervous, don't stir him up
what he said
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>go on the internet and DON'T be an obnoxious cunt
get real

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A bird?
You think you're a weak little bird..?
"why will u leave ur bird be sad.. they'll be so sad.. they'll die"
in your Dreams
You're Venom
A Snake
Let the snake be sad and die.
I'm sorry for assuming that ur a bird, snakes really are creepily good at hypnotizing you.

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wealcum to mai blog
I make the tea yes 
Hmmmmme mmme mmme verie tasteee
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Hwat cums aftors dis dae??

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when I makes tea I makes tea
and when I makes water I makes water
God send you don't make them in the same pot
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wishe ttrolled again
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ill hold on to the thought that shes a snake and that i deserve much better than a pathalogical liar
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yes, I will never talk to you again (if you want closure add me btw)
Replies: >>25297
nah, good riddance. i dont want anything from her :)
Replies: >>25301
the ":)" scares me
Replies: >>25302

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