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boys smell like smegma and dirty socks

Your Fortune: Abandon All Hope

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I usually click on the [Catalog] button to refresh the page because I don't have an F-row on my keyboard or i am too lazy to press FN+5, on this page the banners that appear randomly are not the same height so I always have to move my mouse cursor up and down, when the big banner with the dancing anime girls appaers i even have to use my mouse wheel but i have found a workaround for this i just use the button in my browser to refresh the page c:

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everything will suck for 2 more years

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I got a dishwasher for the first time in my life.
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what do you do then?
Replies: >>28360
I make the $$$$
where do you work
Replies: >>32382
Three letter agency beginning with C ending with A and the middle letter is I.
[Yesterday, 8:41 PM]
Autism chan:
	I luv end roll

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

[8:06 AM]
	pat pat

[9:07 AM]
	have u ever taken a drug that made u feel like ur floating and nonexistent besides dxm or were u able to achieve something like that naturally overtime

[9:08 AM]
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A list of animes that are known to give you anime induced gender dysphoria, in no particular order:

Kiniro Mosaic
Stella no Mahou
Comic Girls
Gochuumon wa Usagi Desu ka?
New Game!
Kill Me Baby
Blend S
Machikado Mazoku
Urara Meirochou
Slow Start
Sansha Sanyou
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I Will Destroy The Jews
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I searched "anime induced gender dysphoria" on Google and found this thread on the 4th result, lole.
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kiniro mosaic mentioned
sex with karen
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What if you got abducted and taken to a organic boimilk factory where you get force fed soy lecithin and l-argentine and zinc supplements and get stimulated into leaking all ur boymilk as fast as your body can replenish it?
>>10967 (OP) 
What if we keep our inappropriate fantasies like these to ourselves
>>10967 (OP) 
i saved some infographic for big cummies and better orgasms and i think it listed all these things you mentioned but also pyeguem, which, supposedly,  greatly increases your precum production
Replies: >>32346
why does pyeguem seem to have all the same force feminizing effects of saw palmetto, even down to the prostate shrinking properties.
surely this would reduce precum and not increase it
>>10967 (OP) 
Astolfo has the smallest benis.

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Do you ever spot [s4s] posters in the wild?

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Your Fortune: Super Bad Luck
What happens if you keep fugging their boibutton without stopping?
Do they just keep orgasming or will it eventually start to hurt even if they're still orgasming?

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one time I mentioned cajeta to admin and he said something along the lines of "it's weird that they make it using goat milk"
I never understood what he meant by that to this day
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it's nice of him that he hasn't banned me yet c:
head hurty
Replies: >>32371
thanks for the virus bro

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iced latte with boymilk


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