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ok u ded
Replies: >>9685
>>9620 (OP) 

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Not sure if I need a nice oneesan to push me down and make me cum or if I just see her as a means to an end
I guess if you were cumming super hard all the time you'd still seek out ways to cum harder
it's cute when girls are friends

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>saves Madoka
>BTFOs Kyubey
>Beats Mami 1v1 despite being impaired
>Outsmarts Kyouko
>Makes Sayaka irrelevant again
>Dethrones Madokami
>Single-handedly carries the entire show on her back
>Will win again in the sequel
never watched madoka either
Replies: >>9633
Well what have you watched?
ok but everybody loves mami and madoka, homura has never said anything worthwhile in the entire series
it's pretty obvious she's a self insert for the writers, a plot device instead of a character so it really doesn't matter because you can't compare real characters people love and remember to bad storytelling strategies
I appreciate Homura's ambition. 
She knows what she wants (Madokussy) and she will stop at nothing until she gets it.

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to hell with thee

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I was just unbanned
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is barneyfag even a real person or is it just a bunch of shitposters
Replies: >>9288 >>9291 >>9297
Idk but clearly janny is one.
It was a real person at one point, it got kinda ridiculous when people started acting like him, he couldn't possibly be on every board at all hours of the day constantly ban evading, rarely did he ever actually reply to you, those times were the real original barneyfag in action.
the rumor is he was real and then at some point he was replaced by a bot. it's obvious that over the past few years it's been a bot, probably operated by just one person
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leebait is a whole genre of soy-edits

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is she right?
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How do I become like this?
Asking for a friend
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My hand stays in place while the legs do all the work
Replies: >>9519
so you kinda hump the air?
I don't get itttttt!!!!?
Show us the gap
Replies: >>9537
it's not visible due to my male genitalia, and I have pretty thick legs so idk why I even have it, guess it's due to the shape of my hips
Replies: >>9539
I will need to thoroughly examine these parts of your anatomy

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prove it
I'd say he's about the worst
Replies: >>9520
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Replies: >>9536

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do you are have stupid

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i'll be honest, i don't know who Magick is or what this board is and have only used [s4s] a few times since 2013 (i used it a bit the day it was made) but since it seemed to be a trend i posted an [s4s] thread with the name "Magick" and then i got banned for 30 days for "ban evasion" 

why is Magick and anyone using the name Magick banned from [s4s], and why is he ostensibly a "little" "churro", as some claim? did he establish this website in service of a twink procurement endeavor or something of that sort?
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hmm any other options? I'm honestly fine paying for proxies lole

I just don't know of any working ones
Replies: >>9454
well you could pay for tuxler i suppose, if you use premium your ip isn't shared, at least that's what their site says
Magick got all his posts deleted again along with wish.
Munch is back in full force!
I'm getting banned again...
Replies: >>9469
simply post here lole

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