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only admin knows where i currently live
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how is ur job?
unm,, well,, on paper its pretty fancy i guess,,

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hi guys my name is pewdiepie and today well be discussing who i hate the most and tolerate the most from 4chan so i hate magick the most and tolerate wrinkly the most
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Replies: >>29064 + 1 earlier
stop looking thru my files
Replies: >>29063
i just lost $60 accidentally because i misplaced the sell price
>>29049 (OP) 
do u hate me or tolerate me?
Replies: >>29065
Replies: >>29066
yay thanks ^^

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Why is Germany banned from /bant/?

Posting from your IP range has been blocked due to abuse. [More Info]
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but i can still post on s4s
Replies: >>17939
>>17912 (OP) 
Jokes or /bant/er are not possible to make using the German language.
Replies: >>17943
germans are so boring and cado is a perfect example
Replies: >>29058
Replies: >>29060

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please help me get a gf
i fuck off forever
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no one can help you but yourself, there's your help
Dating site.
Replies: >>21290
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a rat is in the works making a [s4s]cel dating site
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i go to the gym now
weren't you going to fuck off forever

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based? based on what?

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its my birthday
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hi i had multiple panic attacks but my partner will order thc for me when shes awake
Replies: >>29002
um i think thc can make things worse but i haven't looked at it that much. though maybe cbd could help i think. if you're having panic attacks maybe you could try pregnenolone along with 1g theanine daily or something? i've never had a panic attack but pregnenolone has been very calming for me whenever i take it
Replies: >>29004
i can try it
thc was good for me when i tried it for anxiety.. ill take l theanine
Replies: >>29008
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oegy ^^ i hope it works 4 u, also when taking pregnenolone its important to have some sugar ands tuff (maybe a cup of milk with a spoon of sugar or honey in it) cause from what i've read alot of the people who have a good experience with it do that aswell but everyone processes it different i just think maybe that makes it easier for your body, good luck!

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For the perfect legal high. Get drunk on 1 and a half bottles of champagne, crank up the bass, pop a zyn punch and watch the newerst sewerslvt album
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Replies: >>28959 + 1 earlier
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>>28932 (OP) 
Sparkling wine is like eight euros
that sounds awful
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Replies: >>29007
let me hangover deez nuts across your face

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Eating a days worth of calories across an entire week and I wanna tell everyone!
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I wanna be cute tho
Replies: >>28972 >>28976
ha haha ha ha hahaa ha
being a skeleton isnt cute
Replies: >>28980
Yes it is
It's indeed the only way 3dpd can even begin to make the attempt
Replies: >>28983
spoken like a true necrophiliac

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$2 Walmart Frog
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The figure is more reminiscent of bread or a testicle
Replies: >>28801
got testicles on the mind do we?
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this is a shep
$19 walmart frog 
Who wants it?
Replies: >>28962
walmart balls

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because i make so much drug money at the moment, i wanted to build my parents a pc because they always complain that their laptop is so slow they said they don't want a pc but only because it takes up so much space so i wanted to build them a mini pc. 
i need to buy a monitor for them too 
the pictures show the specs and the case and of course a mouse and a keyboard to complete the whole thing and a mouse mat. 
i want to suprise them with this is this a good idea or better not do it
lmao what an insensitive and braindead thing to do
why are you like this lol

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