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sometimes is just
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the omori posters
Replies: >>16964
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Tapes are the cutest way to listen to music.
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Replies: >>16698
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How much do you spend on your boutique vaporware cassettes hobby?
It sounds expensive, but still probably less than my figure buying addiction which is currently going at $130/mo worked out over the last 12 months.
Replies: >>16697
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It gets expensive if I was to really get into it, but that’s a collection I built up over 3 years so it hasn’t been that much monthly.
Some of the rarer tapes, usually Telepath, go for ridiculous prices on discogs. I really want this one but it’s just too much.
This one I just bought was £25
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Very kyoot.

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hate you forever
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i hope you ___
Replies: >>16886
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Evil is right
Replies: >>16889
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my patron deity tells me otherwise
Replies: >>16900
cute tartl

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i will never understand...
born to wonder
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Replies: >>16850
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admin it's not okay to delete my videos jusgt because you think i'm ugly
Replies: >>16853
sorry it was uncomfortably loud even for someone like me who keeps their headphone volume at like 10%
Replies: >>16854
that was kind of the point, it was a punishment for him not understanding the joke

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the world can suck my schizo dick c:
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Replies: >>16813
I'll show you what mentally ill really means
earth-chan gave me worms WHAT A BITCH
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>>16807 (OP) 
Replies: >>16846
No you be quite
Replies: >>16847
Suck my defective autistic sperm

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coconut and cherry gelatin
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can you stop ghosting me ?
Replies: >>16726
Replies: >>16728
do not enjoy my suffering >:C
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you’ve killed me

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I like those flat chastity cages that look like salt shakers, a bunch of them aren't actually flat but have a 1 inch peg that pushes your useless feminine bepis further into your body and a tube so your clear sterile feminized cummies can dribble out the front and not down your legs~
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Replies: >>16830
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imagine if los benis was ocked in 1cm of chasity
I want a cute boy to lock me up in a chastity belt and frot my niplels so my bepis will expand to the point of being almost painful tucked and slammed against tge chastity belt with nowhere to go!

The bepis is actually quite stretchy and returns to it's original shape so long as you're not creating stiff inferior scar tissue as a result of microtears within the bepis tissue through compulsive masterbation and overuse, that's the only thing that can actually shrink you thingy long term.
Replies: >>16805
Also forgot to add, the bepis stops expanding when it encounters resistance, it's not like your dick will explode if you cage it, it'll expand inside your body until it runs out of room too, you can test this yourself by fapping from a flaccid state and gripping ur beis tightly so it can't get any bigger, notice how it won't get any bigger but also isn't exploding?
Let go and it'll quickly expand tho!
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that bussy be boivulating, he's gonna get boiprangent if he keeps it up!
Replies: >>16827
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Cages hanging on your balls like that fucking hurt. I don't feel like those panties are substantial enough to provide support for them when they're up, either
Replies: >>16830
that's a sign of overly sensitive testicles, you need to desensitize tjem because there's no situations where that would be useful or desirable
Work your way into hitting ur nuts everyday for a month until it stops hurting and then you should be okay with wearing heavy metal cages that hang off your balls, but you could also just put on a support strap like in >>16801 (OP) 

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its really funny when i wear qos tattoos and black ppl look at me holding hands with my white darlingLoll
Replies: >>16798
die nigglerlover die
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racists are some of the most deranged people on the planet and no one is more racist than far-right big black cock fetishists
Replies: >>16806
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>>16702 (OP) 
Is that character from Dohna Dohna 

I haven’t played it myself but I want to someday because it has a Minecraft sex scene and I thought it was funny
You’d have to be deranged to be anti-racist. You’re running on nothing in your brain but programming.

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how to reprogram your (anxious) mind?
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Replies: >>16759
penis drugs
>unfortunately i have to admit that i watch youtube shorts from time to time this shit takes up so much time its unbelievable
are you a zoomzoom or something like that. i don't know how anyone gets into this stuff. i'm a "put a 3.5 hour long video on the tv via chromecast" type of rabbit
Replies: >>16776
I never feel more spiritually empty and alienated then when I'm watching youtube shorts
The way they loop just makes me feel like I'm trapped and cornered or something
scientology bro

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hello fellow discorders, good news! discord now censors your profile username when you stream!
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four letter word starting with c
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my discorder heyday is so over, it's such a dead wasteland on my DMs now

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