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As a chaserlord, the hardest decision I've had to make was voting for The Trump knowing he was going to ban youngshit trannies and hinder my future goonsehes. But i guess you have to make some sacrifices
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Replies: >>40315 >>40356
When did this ever stop anyone?
Most trannies are DIY and it would be like trying to rev up another war on drugs if they made female hormones and t-blockers a controlled substance.
Replies: >>40216
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Maybe. There is some merit though, I would want my AGP/AGAMP tranny gf to be a little dysphoric and unpassing so when i misgender her she can get really pouty and rapable
>>40192 (OP) 
Thank you for your service.
>>40192 (OP) 
trump wasnt joking when he said you wont have to vote ever again after hes elected
youre all being turned into serfs ruled by the few rich oligarchs with no will of your own and AI will make sure none of you step out of line as they continue to rape your country of all its worth

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For context he posted a video of himself fucking a plushie
Replies: >>40343
so los blissful ^_^
how is this less embarrassing than what you fruits do
Replies: >>40348
idk nobody here has a sex doll they dress up and fug
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Could I fuck younger guys if I started calling myself a milf?
Replies: >>40344
so you're a milf (male)?
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>>40333 (OP) 
Yes. You could also fuck younger guys without calling yourself a milf

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how do ppl find the time to play with their butt, there's so much work involved if you don't want to be gross, like fasting and enemaing and the orgasms take hours, is it only neets who clean themselves out and shove prostate toys up their butt while rotting in bed wearing skirts and listening to sissy hypno and inhaling dxm
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Replies: >>40342
Magick's douche nozzle
the last bastion of aristocratic White culture
Magick won't upload new nudes because he refuses to shave his hairy legs.
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Fasting doesn't actually take extra time
Enemas do, especially if you realize after you start that you need to go again, and waiting to learn that also takes time. Sometimes you know you're clean. And can go straight.
>is it only neets who clean themselves out and shove prostate toys up their butt while rotting in bed wearing skirts
You need to not only be a neet, you pretty much need your own place as well.

Let's not even get started on the reqs for toys going past the first sphincter

Doesn't do shit tbqh

Easiest route is shaving + at home IPL depilation
>>40317 (OP) 
the last parts are oddly specific

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How do I fight the urge to cry whenever a guys holds me in his arms? I feel like such a basic bitch for crying in front of a guy. A real slut wouldn't show this level of weakness. I'm an apex predator that eats men for breakfast not a sad little girl that wants her daddy to comfort her.
i wish someone would hug me
Replies: >>40329
same, i haven't been hugged since 2018
Replies: >>40330
stop bragging
Replies: >>40332
sorry (please hug me)

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I'm turning 30 next year. I think it's time for me to stop being a slut. No more pills, no more cage and no more toys. Just looking for a nice guy to settle down with. Try and live a somewhat normal life for a trans girl.
Replies: >>40316
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im turning 30 this year but in december c:
Replies: >>40316
>>40309 (OP) 
Now kiss
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chasers this is what u r hooking up with when you are dating a trans girl that wants to "settle down". do you understand?
Replies: >>40326
OP is Andrew Tate.
The evidence is undeniable

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Frenulum bullying is the hot new way to fap ur pebis!
I went twice last night and it felt like my brain was melting by how good it felt, refractory period didn't happen either!

Pls bully ur frenulum responsibly!!!
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OP bullying his frenulum tbh
Replies: >>21102
I still don't know how it's done, someone plz help!
historic thread

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How am I supposed to have a relationship if I don't care about other people?
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Sorry your only options are to die alone
fuckin cuck
Replies: >>40314
Burn in hell
Thats fucking retarded
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How am I a cuck?
If someone were to cheat on me, no matter how long it takes I'd make sure they regret it.

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My dream gf is a trans girls that cuts herself and lets me lick the cuts afterwards.

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ate a bag of sour gummy candies yesterday
turns out it's one of those that colors your tongue blue, which i didn't realize until i already ate the bag, not that i thought much of it anyway

today all my poops have been brightly blue/green 
like not slightly tinted but completely stark blue, it even colored the toilet water
i'm on my third poop today and it's still like this, which makes me think what the hell do they even put into these that the color doesn't get broken down by the digestive system after so long
Replies: >>40306
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>>40294 (OP) 
My advice to you is to read up on what they put into these candies and avoid them or buy european import gummies(I'll assume youre american), it's the sure fire way to make sure they're the least likely to be loaded with untested chemicals or food dyes for consumption since they actually care what their people eat there

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