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le funne fishe
every ghost deserves a host.
yay :D

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I miss tragick
Replies: >>18335
hopefully elon will soon be able to create sentient beings from 4chan posts

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class sek

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Terrible artstyle.

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the joke is porn… furry porn

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i LOVE having 4chan open while talking to Alexis
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alexissss i misss uu

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>one chance at life
>not born a cute japanese girl

It still hurts
Replies: >>18295
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3dpd aren't cute though
you will never go to cram school
i'm so glad i don't have gender dysphoria and only vaguely am interested in fucking or being a femboy
Replies: >>18296
>>18289 (OP) 
the girls on the side look so miserable like they're really not enjoying it
another sister lost to bigoted propaganda

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how do you feel about girls pretending to be boys pretending to be girls?
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Replies: >>18244
the reason they do this is because they crave attention, women will do anything for attention including co-opting genders apparently, it's quite disgusting actually, i hope all women die
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>>18231 (OP) 
Friendly reminder;
Always check for a cock under the skirt
Don't let the attention seeking roasties infiltrate and pollute our ranks
Replies: >>18245
also if you check for penis and you find one you are obligated to kiss it and tuck it back into bed
Replies: >>18256
i want to be a hrt tomboy and leave people guessing if i'm m ftm or mtftm

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how do u keep the brainworks away?
I can't even watch cute girl anime anymore without feeling bad that that can never be me cus I have a y chromosome :(
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this guy is cringe but his boyfriend sucks shit too, how you gonna dump someone that's dressing cuter than they used to? he must be omega giga gay to the point that even girly clothes turns him off lol
I kinda kept mine away by reading only manga short series with crossdressing boys and genderbend doujins, I don't really have patience for any other genres, if they turn out to be good, they'll get a boring shot for shot anime adaptation, one shots and crossdressing stories almost never get good adaptations, just look at Himegoto, a crappy short series that skips 2 whole characters and 5 out of 6 volumes of chapters so they can butcher the artists self-insert fantasies in less than 29 minutes of runtime.
*crappy short anime series
oh yeah I meant that I'd rather watch an anime adaptation of a good manga premise because the adaptation will a shot for shot faithful remake and that's boring if you just finished the manga.
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>implying the jashin-chan anime is good or shot-for-shot
>implying any other adaptation is good or shot-for-shot
I can only think for two good manga->anime adaptations in human existence and one is 90% it's own thing (L☆S) and the other is pretty limited in scope. They're also both 4komas.

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I kinda feel grossed out when I see anime girls that don't have cute bulges or balles tbh, it's like wtf the artist drew her wrong!!
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so what you're saying is you can't put on a pair of panties without getting aroused
Replies: >>18261
I mean
I mean
I just got a boner describing it
Replies: >>18264
good boy

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