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remember to always write down your good ideas
he's insane
Replies: >>29262
He's a midwit who's had smoke blown up his ass for several decades, of course he is
Reminder that everything wrong with lynch's dune was of his own making
writing down in this thread "kill yourself with a gun" so i don't forget about it later
gunshot suicide
don't have a pencil so writing it down here 

story about space cop who gives people space parking tickets on their space cars

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Ever since I left the city You
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...started wearing less and goin' out more

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my music taste is shit
pls don't report me thx
i like to preserve and share
i don't get any profit of doing this
some people would say that i'm "based"
i'm not sure but i thank for the compliment

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Feeling like a vermin rn.

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Hilt buffalo cock or get a plug in and just leave it while finishing with pon*s stim? Both would be new conquests/PBs if I can go all the way.
what the fuck are you even talking about you freak
Replies: >>29258 >>29264
What's wrong with mermaid cock
Replies: >>29259 >>29264
do you have to really inject yourself into everything 
you're literally that kid everyone hated
Replies: >>29266
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Buttsex toys. Would have though that was pretty obvious from context.
Does not translate well to silicon unfortunately since the main draw is essentially that it's prehensile.
People have no idea just how good actually tentacles would be.
Replies: >>29266
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it just happens
uh okey

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Step 1: give horny dumb esfores boys an eating disorder cus they want a cute grabbable waist
16 replies and 5 files omitted. View the full thread
Replies: >>29094 + 1 earlier
>>27366 (OP) 
i wish i had a groomer sugar daddy that would buy me yohimbine and ephedrine and green tea extract and a corset and a maid outfit..
Replies: >>29095
Replies: >>29096
you're too good for me avo. and i'm too poor quality for a drug prince.
i'm 22 and ugly and busted.
and like 183cm
i lost 40 pounds today
at the roulette table lole

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Being under 5'6" must be rough, every tall dude on 4chan fantasizes about force feminizing you and taking advantage of your insecurities by pumping and dumping you anytime they want, they can't even run to /fit/ because they'll usually tell you to embrace the femboy or they'll lay on some unrealistic workout plan that they won't take cus let's be real, cuteboys aren't known for being assertive or taking charge of their life, being a pudgy codependent neet who spends all day playing vidya, gooning and taking care of his appearance is far more comfy.
Replies: >>29231
>>29222 (OP) 
what the fuck is wrong with you
Replies: >>29235
He ate too much stale pasta and got food poisoning from mycotoxin
>workout advice

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I should start a cult
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make me drink lethal koolaid soaked into your fishnets
Replies: >>29183
>>29020 (OP) 
Can i join
>>29020 (OP) 
wish hates you lol
Replies: >>29215
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i cant even tell the difference between them haha

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i believe am having hppd
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i didn't break through or anything, it was like being clubbed in the head and seeing stars cartoon style
maybe i wasn't worthy
Replies: >>29175
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i will have divine punishment after my first smoke
Replies: >>29176
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punishment? aurora loves you
Replies: >>29198

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Something like this
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Yes. Vision quests and shit. It's fun anyway.
You should try it.
Replies: >>29191
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idk how feasible that is i live in an urban environment
Replies: >>29192
>idk how feasible [not eating] is
Why are you fat?
Replies: >>29193
i meant the vision quest part lol
i still am fat though sorry
ill do a 72 hour fast for both of us
Replies: >>29195
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If you do 72 hours without being used to fasting you probably will get a bit trippy towards the end but it'll be from lack of sleep most likely
Should also be noted that one in three squishies or more are masochistic

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