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Theres gonna be hell to pay for the people with no empathy and much Condescension. Scrappin into the trash like garbage.
someone post that one jpeg with the roided bury telling you not to swear in her christian server
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 So basically I'm just gonna not feel empathy
I Know..... UGH I know... It's just that I'm not gonna feel it is all

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In the name of Schizophrenia and feeling of inadequacy everyone's so happy
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This poster is suffering from psychosis as a direct result of the trauma experienced from viewing OP's image.
Replies: >>38366
catfish is a hot manlyman
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Thank you Admin-kun~
Replies: >>38445
its catfish
Replies: >>38460
People like him should be not seen and not heard.

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angel psychosis c:

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I feel like i wish i could put my head in a machine at 50000 miles an hour and have it blow
Replies: >>38352
>>38346 (OP) 
Replies: >>38434 >>38435
People are big mentally ill bullies that should get shoahed

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Did you clean your room and wash your penis today?
Replies: >>38429
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>>38424 (OP) 
room is clean penis is stinky

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My ass hurts after eating jalapeños. How the fuck do Mexicans eat spicy food everyday?
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Sweet and spicy is an addictive combination that I love.
You sound like those people who think people only pretend to like the taste of beer
Replies: >>38237
I don't like the taste of anything I'm dead inside
Replies: >>38240
it hurts so good though... i mean im not a full blown masochist but i need some sting...

do you hate the taste of anything
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woah u use semenamide too?

Your Fortune: You Do Not Wanna Know
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This looks kinda like semen and I used to wash my face with it.
Replies: >>38401
does this work better than dove soap?
I wash my face twice daily and I feel it gets more oily shortly thereafter but I'm also opposed to getting vendor locked to a particular brand of facial cleanser if I end up liking it.
Replies: >>38422
Haven't used it in years. Usually I would use Clean & Clear then sensitive Cetaphil. My acne has cleared up with age. It didn't irritate my skin and it seemed okay. (Didn't care as much about appearance back then.) Dove is my main shower soap and it does the job well with a little baby oil + Vaseline and/or moisturizer afterward.

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What should I make for dinner?
fois gras au torchon from scratch
Replies: >>38405
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Best I can do is mashed chicken vienna sausages on a Ritz cracker.

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What's the best time to go to Walmart and buy Legos without looking like the biggest autist on the planet? I always bail when kids are in the toy section because I feel ashamed.
Wake up early or, more realistically, stay up all night, and go when they open like the miserable old fuck you are.
Replies: >>38387
My Walmart opens at 6am and I usually go to bed at 3am. Staying up three extra hours is very doable. Thanks for the advice.
Just go in there, nobody cares, you're rarely gonna find kids or parents there anyway because kids skincare products and video game accessories not toys.
If you're still embarrassed just get it shipped, any lego toy is gonna be over $35 which is the minimum for free shipping at most big box retailers in the US.
Replies: >>38398
*kids want skincare products

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Micheal Yakson is a meme
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noah my dude
Replies: >>38376
 noah saddness hopelesneess and unsrsbleness and
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Jick ja beee boo pop
have you had enough?
Ma chael Gick son

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