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Replies: >>34331
trip on magick

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Replies: >>34329
why is the background black...
>>33721 (OP) 
wtf u talken about willis

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Symbol: The snail is a symbol of resurrection and also virginity. 
Seeing a snail: your motto should be “slowly but surely”! 
A snail retreating into its shell: you expect something from someone, but are being kept in suspense. 
Eating snails: you are trying the patience of another person to the limit! 
Crushing a snail underfoot: your carelessness is putting you at a great disadvantage—serves you right!
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“Now have come the salvation and the power
and the kingdom of our God,
and the authority of his Messiah.
For the accuser of our brothers and sisters,
who accuses them before our God day and night,
has been hurled down.
They triumphed over him
by the blood of the Lamb
and by the word of their testimony;
they did not love their lives so much
as to shrink from death.
Therefore rejoice, you heavens
and you who dwell in them!
But woe to the earth and the sea,
because the devil has gone down to you!
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just noticed they actually did delete every reply they made, here's the copy i saved 
i missed the last thing they said, something about questioning why i would want to talk to a shitposter (it's because they annoyed me), and "the accuser" not understanding time 
still no apology directly addressed towards me + act of repentance so
Replies: >>34179
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wtf is that

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sadness and medneeding, and alt making, and fantasy creating all in the name of the end i guess
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Not saying
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Tell -***- that Yuji Sakai, Kappa, Saucy, TacoKid, Oro, Real Real Real Suebi, Shiro Poster 2, Butte Sniffer, a/u/tist, Renko, Magick, Wagick, Alcoholic Neko loli, Akari Akaza, Boii, jellysquishe, CTS, Cakemaestro, The Voice, Snugs, Spicmaster, The Hotwing Man, Knux, Potato, yoogee, cute poster, Tomoko poster, Sucy, Bulgogi, Radical Edward, Kekkats, Bumstead, lurk, Nodoka, yesdoka, friendly mean person, g8rh8r, NameFig2018, Sewkasa, jungle is massive, Shiro Poster, Dandy, Catfish, Avery, Tragick, sillyhead, rip in pieces akari ;_;7, Akari Akaza, BBHC, fortune, vaporeon, soda, smiley dude :), git, Arulson, Kekky McDubberson, ( ͡◉ ͜ʖ ͡◉)\_(ツ)_/⊂(◉◉)つ, le shit nigger, Kaonashi, git, Sekiro, Alexander the Seeker, , swaglord, HE, Bulgogi, le monke, AnonPrime, bum smiddly boobop twiddly boperoo, Boii (drunk), The Black One, q-ie, Akari Akaza's Phone, Yuiposter, yoogee, DuckTits, ■[^_^*]●¤TACO KID¤●[^_^*]■, le patt e, Catfish(Etrian Odyssey Untold: The Millennium Girl), C'MON CRANKY TAKE IT TO THE FRIDGE, Polly, le piss cracker, end my suffering,12Damdo, Jewwy, Garlic Salt and Doremi Poster said:

Replies: >>34092 >>34118
Replies: >>34094
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i bet jewwy is cute

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lol actually
Replies: >>34105
iiii dingo muffins nanodesu
Replies: >>34107
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Replies: >>34112

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yeaah nm that's about it we're done here
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Replies: >>33833
what is this
Replies: >>33834
leave me alone
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It's a CAVE game?
Replies: >>33838
im glad someone got the joke

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a girl in a pink jacket with a star in her hair is making a funny face
love funny faces
Replies: >>33726
i will, thank you for the advice
i miss the 4channel domain
i could use blue boards on coffee shop wifi

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something unusual happened in silence when he paused and looked me into the eye. i know what it was, but it happens very rarely. it was a mutual recognition of sorts, i knew exactly what the other person’s motives were and could foresee his next moves. an unspoken feeling of “i understand you"
this is a journey that i sense you too have begun, and i think it is already too late for me to warn you about how addictive this fountain of new knowledge can be. all in all, i think you’ll be alright, my friend, and i’m happy that our paths have crossed. may they do so again when the time is right.
this happened to me with a stranger. it was almost like i saw that we shared the same burden, but i don't know what it was in specific. i could just see that they were tired, and i was tired too. despite sharing the same burden, i know i am not responsible over easing anyone's but my own. i can't, not without drowning myself. at the very least, i realized that i was no longer alone in my plight in this world, but i must still endure.
Replies: >>33743
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for some reason i find it hard to accept your reasoning.. it's obscured behind so many assumptions, presented as if they were absolute truth, which makes it kinda hard to even begin to unravel, but i'll try for your sake
first impressions:
ur presenting "sharing the same burden" to be equivalent to "in the same situation", with the same set of circumstances and tools available for each of you to use (if the circumstances were different, they wouldnt be here? wrong. consider the impact of random chance, and include it in your model of the world) , almost entirely being in the same position, like occupying the same coordinates in some 2d number line, ignoring the third dimension (or the 4th)
with this first assumption, the scene is already set: "easing the burden" becomes "taking up the entirety of their burden", merging ur responsibilities together into one, as if that were the sole possible option for you to take (otherwise, to do nothing and persist as you have always been)
of course u would drown if you were to take the entirety of someone's being as "your responsibility", but that was never the only option, was it? u were never responsible for anything in the first place.
you present some very simple obvious observations, but the only conclusion you make is "if someone pulled my hand down into the ocean, i would drown". but no one asked you to offer your hand, a few words could work just the same.
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This was the True Man of old: his bearing was lofty and did not crumble; he appeared to lack but accepted nothing; he was dignified in his correctness but not insistent; he was vast in his emptiness but not ostentatious. Mild and cheerful, he seemed to be happy; reluctant, he could not help doing certain things; annoyed, he let it show in his face; relaxed, he rested in his virtue. Tolerant, he seemed to be part of the world; towering alone, he could be checked by nothing; withdrawn, he seemed to prefer to cut himself off; bemused, he forgot what he was going to say. ...
He didn't forget where he began; he didn't try to find out where he would end. He received something and took pleasure in it; he forgot about it and handed it back again. 
Therefore his liking was one and his not liking was one. His being one was one and his not being one was one. In being one, he was acting as a companion of Heaven. In not being one, he was acting as a companion of man. 
The myriad extensions do not oppose each other, and Heaven and man do not overcome each other. Thus being vast he is one, being dark he is omnipresent – he mysteriously unifies the other with his own self. Concealing their names, they hide when the Way is in effect and appear when it is not. 

Your Fortune: Extremely Bad Luck Holy Hell What Are You Doing

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someday my struggle will be gratified, and everyone will love me. for now, i humbly endure harder than the rest inorder to display my devotion. i saw and salvaged the divine spark inside, i refused to be defined by my circumstances. i did not even allow time to define my soul, rendering it eternal. all because i naively thought that i could capture the essence of beauty as an artist.
Replies: >>33736 >>33740
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>>33733 (OP) 
this is mice board
Your Fortune: Make Sure Your Earthly Affairs Are In Order
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>>33733 (OP) 

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it's been 3 weeks since you got "adopted" by some esforss boy off discord and went to live with him and he's wanted fugs every single day while locked in kigurumi and your butt is sore, you've learned to eat a little to keep your figure and also make prep easier but you still have to wash your own meido outfit when your master sperms all over u and even in ur hair, such is the life of the housewife (male) ^_^

Your Fortune: Super Bad Luck
Replies: >>33684 >>33686
and we ain't even had breakfast yet
>>33384 (OP) 
>>33384 (OP) 
Thats retarded

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