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Nature is gross
I want to have yuri sex in an endless sea of pillows
Replies: >>22791
I was born before 2001 and I look like 20 and I love pillows
Replies: >>22817
very cute snail
a sea of elementary schooler's pillows covered in nits and headlice...

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wa ha ha
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wa ha ha
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Replies: >>22803 >>22810
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cum in my mouth
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We've truly entered a dark age of people slapping shitty captions over slop
prostate abuse
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god I wish that were me
Replies: >>22807
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Gotta eat big to cum big
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Degenerancy is common in all humans

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balls out

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you sound like elmo on crack
Replies: >>22790 >>22792
creepy muppet baby voice
ya the gain was too high
squishy keeps forgetting that this site accepts audio files

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Patent pending
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Why would I care when I can jack off

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>January 14 marks a special day dedicated to virtue, self-control and inner greatness. International Male Chastity Day is an opportunity to celebrate the strength and determination of men who choose the path of chastity.
>Male chastity goes well beyond physical abstention. It is an inner journey, an exploration of oneself, a quest for discipline and personal mastery.
>Join us in celebrating International Male Chastity Day on January 14, 2024. Together, let's embrace the strength, discipline and power of the masculine spirit.
>Your HolyTrainer team -
too bad the actual site mostly phrases it as subshit
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Why does this have dad rock music playing in the background like its trying to sell me a ford f150
Replies: >>21850
I especially love the first two beats being vaguely but not well timed with putting parts together
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dadrock cage arrived (also, though it is a german cage, it was made in china as well lol)
Initial thoughts:
hangs down a lot without a harness. Still probably wearable, but I'm not that interested.
With a harness, balls stick out a lot. It's perfectly comfortable, but it's kind of funny - with loose pants it looks like I'm packing . Currently wearing a 2 point harness (over-body, resting on the hip just under the outermost protrusion of the bone).
Immediately, it's infinitely more wearable than any of the modern HTs. I'm wearing tight thermal boxers that would shear my dick right off at the urethra on the holy trainers with their retarded fishlip design and didn't even think about it. No problems doing jump-tuck-squats in it with/without the harness. I was able to do a full workout in the HT before but it beat up my dick some (actually I clipped the cage with the mace a few times lol) and there was a big problem with the bar scrapping the exposed part of the head on the deads etc. so we'll see how this is. Initial outlook is optimistic though. Even though the balls are very forward, there's still a decent amount of give and I don't think they're likely to get pinched or anything.
With an erection my whole taint up to the balls stick out like as much as a dick's width or maybe more. Does this always happen, like, without a cage? Maybe a tiny bit. It was a lot. I still got the cock/high ball area berm/plateau as well, I'm not sure where all this cock was coming from.
Replies: >>22770
When you say your whole taint sticks out do you mean that it's pushing your cage forward in front of you? 
I've had this issue with cages but I thought harnesses were supposed to prevent this.
Replies: >>22785
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>When you say your whole taint sticks out do you mean that it's pushing your cage forward in front of you? 
No, I mean that by "the cock/high ball area berm/plateau". That part is unavoidable. There's erectile tissue behind the extruded weenus so no matter what you do to your external member if you're physiologically capable of cumming/etc. you'll be able to clamp down on the veins and make that inflate.
What's different here is that some more of that erectile tissue or someething seems to be getting displaced further with this cage. It does seem to be dependent on how the cage is hanging and on gravity, so I guess it is just getting pushed back, it's just surprising how firm it was, like taut muscle (it may even have been taut muscle, with whatever was getting displaced behind it).
>I've had this issue with cages but I thought harnesses were supposed to prevent this.
If you don't have a harness then when this happens it totally destroys the cage position; it gets pushed super far forward no matter what, and then stays there after the erection. There's erectile tissue inside your body so it's not like you can cut it off by pressing with a flat surface from the outside. If you had a sufficiently tight harness then maybe, you'd probably need an inverted cage or something to make that work. Turgidity clearly has enough force to displace 
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idk why paradox gived me this website he probably shouldnt have
i think ill stick with s4s
Mods range banned me and they regret it.

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annoying in a cute sense
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cute demon
Replies: >>22705
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miss u
Why would you cope with being annoying instead of jacking off
Replies: >>22759
it's just bpdemon things^^

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