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Good music
ah I found the song
I listened to the song~

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Nick Fuentes got doxxed
>Full name
Also yes I also live on 1234 Home Road.

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Never forget

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being successful in life isn't impossible but it's really tricky. you need to gain full versatility without hurting yourself or others females included. the following are some tips from a pro, they are not focused particularly for anyone or sorted in any specific way because of different circumstances of the individuals

>drink literally tons of water and eat heavy food and moderate light food
>don't worry about being fat or aesthetics
>keep yourself washed
>don't get rid of any part of your body
>satisfy all others as much as possible
>don't self harm yourself, masturbate instead
>don't do drugs, masturbate instead
>focus on masturbation
>don't suck cock, masturbate instead
>adult, natural, fishy, hairy pussy has priority
>don't dress like a female, stay naked as much as possible, dress casual and unisex
>try to rely on yourself instead of others or hardware or machines
>try to understand animals to become more part of nature but not by hurting or taking them as a pet, they are as free as you and they don't need you
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>male dogs
gross, unnecessary
we invented female dogs a long time ago for a reason
Your Fortune: Bad Luck

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me staring at the wall for hours in hours after rewatching gridman for the % time btw
26 replies and 12 files omitted. View the full thread
Replies: >>36641 + 1 earlier
ur dumb omfg
>>36583 (OP) 
hi i think its time to redose sayo tan

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Do you know what the definition of martyrdom for a cause is?
maybe not exactly. what is it?
Replies: >>36579
Replies: >>36581
terrorism is unironically wrong and never justifiable

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this place is a message... and part of a system of messages... pay attention to it!
sending this message was important to us. we considered ourselves to be a powerful culture.
this place is not a place of honor. no highly esteemed deed is commemorated here. nothing valued is here.
what is here was dangerous and repulsive to us. this message is a warning about danger.
the danger is in a particular location... it increases towards a center... the center of danger is here... of a particular size and shape, and below us.
the danger is still present, in your time, as it was in ours.
the danger is to the body, and it can kill.
the form of the danger is an emanation of energy.
the danger is unleashed only if you substantially disturb this place physically. this place is best shunned and left uninhabited.
These highly paid retards could have just put a skull and crossbones and a down arrow sign, also who gives a fuck if retards from the future go digging nuclear waste looking for gold
Replies: >>36611
No the soyjak face on the left will be much more recognizable to future generations.

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99% of gamblers quit right before they win big 
Your Fortune: Expect Ill Tidings

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Would you let your grandson fuck you if he asked nicely?
Replies: >>36566
>>36565 (OP) 
Boomers have the strangest fetishes
Replies: >>36567
I'm not a boomer but the idea of a young man fucking me in my old age is kinda hot. Imagine your grandson wanting to fuck you when you're older and more vulnerable.

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Gay sex for everyone

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