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I found a kino trans manga called Welcome Back, Alice
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The girl is really mean in the later chapters. This manga makes me scared of cis women and make wish I had a trans girl to save my penis from the clutches of evil femcels.
Replies: >>40497
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I want to abuse a cute twink like this.
That last chapter was a complete asspull. 
I hate when anime and manga pull the whole "and then they decided to live completely separate lives for no reason at all". 
At least they salvaged that bs in the last page.
Replies: >>40568
yeah the ending was kinda unsatisfying

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lol hi
Replies: >>40562 >>40563
>>40557 (OP)
>>40557 (OP)

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Becoming a femboy typically involves a combination of exercise, diet, and grooming habits. In order to achieve a more feminine figure, it's important to focus on toning certain muscle groups while also incorporating a nutrient-rich and balanced diet. Here's a suggested routine:

Exercise Routine:
1. Cardiovascular Exercise: Perform 30 minutes of low-intensity cardio exercises such as brisk walking, jogging, cycling, or dancing, at least 3-4 times a week. This will help burn calories and promote overall weight loss.

2. Leg Workout: Aim for 2-3 leg workouts per week. Focus on exercises that target the glutes, hips, and thighs such as squats, lunges, and hip thrusts. Aim for 3 sets of 12-15 repetitions for each exercise.

3. Core and Waist Exercises: Include exercises that will help create a more defined waistline. Some effective exercises include Russian twists, side plank hip dips, and bicycle crunches. Aim for 3 sets of 12-15 repetitions for each exercise, at least 2-3 times per week.

4. Upper Body Workout: To achieve a more feminine upper body, focus on exercises that target the chest, shoulders, and arms. Incorporate exercises like push-ups, dumbbell chest presses, lateral raises, and tricep dips. Aim for 3 sets of 12-15 repetitions for each exercise, at least 2-3 times per week.
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Replies: >>40538
>Oh it's shitposting
gal where did u think this is lol
i have to leave my rating so the lowly fieldagent glowniggers get riled up and baited into putting more effort in how sad
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>>21318 (OP) 
That sounds like a ton of hard work. On HRT most of your stored fat goes to your hips and thighs. Belly fat isn't really a problem anymore. As long as your boobs are bigger than you belly you still look feminine regardless.
Replies: >>40553
what if I don't want booba tho
want feminine silhouette without boobs
Replies: >>40561
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Not wanting boobs as a girl is kinda gay

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I hate my penis so fucking much. How do I fight the urge to get sexual reassignment surgery? I know SRS is awful but having a dick is driving me crazy.
you fight it by looking at before after pics and reading about the multi-year horror that is full depth vaginoplasty and the dilation process that comes with it, there's also zero depth options but I really don't understand the point, don't trans girls want to get fugged
Replies: >>40520
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Feels like /lgbt/ has been trying to gaslight me and every other trans girl into getting SRS. They claim guys like SRS pussy and dilating is no big deal. Most of the time I think it's just a few post-op trans girls with sunk cost fallacy trying to justify the surgery to themselves. They never say the pussy feels good or they've had an orgasm during sex. They just say they're glad to not have a penis anymore and claim guys enjoy fucking their pussy. I can't tell if it's a psyop or if SRS has improved in the last few years. Some of the newer post-op photos make it look like a real pussy but I still have nightmares from /pol/ and their gore threads of botched SRS.
Replies: >>40552
maybe it's gigapassoids saying that stuff and they're outright tricking straight men that they're women, because if I wanted to date a trans girl I'd want them to still have their penis, it's what makes them special I think, why trade an intact and healthy part of your body for something that isn't even guaranteed to have feeling unless you luck out with the choice of clinic 
where do they even put the nerve endings from the frenulum, just thinking about it makes my skin crawl, pls don't get srs
Replies: >>40560
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Last night I dreamt that I made a sandwich using the chicken slices that are in my fridge right now but it was just a dream so now I have to make that chicken sandwich a second time!
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No mayonnaise in this sandwich
Replies: >>40455 >>40459
chicken is also a common salmonella vector....
Replies: >>40509
mayo chan
Replies: >>40509
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Update: I have survived the chicken sandwich.
Hi Magick-san
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Today I learnt that burnt rice stinks like cigarettes.

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I don't get it
did you get it yet
Yeah I figured that would be too complicated for you.

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Why do some girls want to be trans guys? Men age like milk and go bald on male hormones.
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When men watch harem animes with rape, slavery or mind control it's not because they hate women. It's because they want the sexual power dynamic skewed in their favor. Usually the mind controlled, raped or enslaved woman falls in love with the protagonist. Same logic applies to the abused and raped male characters in the toxic yaoi stories women love so much.
Replies: >>40551
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Maybe porn does ruin people's perception of relationships by skewing the role each partner plays in sex. Instead of seeing each other as people they see each other as dehumanized sex objects expected to fulfill a dominant or submissive role in the relationship. The virgin trad wife being the ultimate example of the submissive female for the man. The bisexual twink being the ultimate example of the submissive male for the woman. It's all about skewed power dynamics in relationships caused by porn addiction. I think people should just love each other in a mutual way that doesn't involve sexual stereotypes or forced power dynamics. Just two people who want to be open, vulnerable and intimate with each other.
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tranny lore goes crazy
Replies: >>40548
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I read stuff like that and self-insert as the girl getting raped and enslaved, what does that make me?

Your Fortune: Abandon All Hope

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neppy won a stuffed animal
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ok posted it for u presidentanon
Replies: >>40533 >>40534
i mean presidentsquishy im sorry for getting ur name wrong
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ehe te nandayo
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this is so dark

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>Let's watch Tamers12345's mlp series
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omg im so flattered but what did yumeko do to you
Replies: >>40426
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I am a deeply troubled and prejudiced person
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candy slut guy threatened by superior kakegurui chuunibyous
Replies: >>40429 >>40531
referring to magick who's been posting for years and who is a mod here as "the candy slut guy" is so funny. top chuunibyou energy
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whn r we kidnapping magick and force him to gamble on his life (we gamble on our lives as well) no wait ignore this post im nice its jst a joke

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Why aren't you drinking a monster energy? It has your daily dose of B vitamins.
good boys drink monster energy

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