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I dru I mt too druga
I'm too drug help
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you can't hurt me
you could just answer the question
is this the rougelike thread
Replies: >>24360
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what did you even mean by this, what does it say about my character that I play stone soup
you said that as a slur almost

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I dropped a 1L bottle of Bacardi on my toe while ironing my clothes and now my toe is the hurty toe.
19 replies and 7 files omitted. View the full thread
the freezer that's in your living room right?
and if the bottle was on top of the freezer that means you have an electrical outlet at the height of a freezer? for the cord to become entangled with the bottle? what
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The power cord did not become tangled. 
It's a steam generator so there's a unit that sits on the ironing board that's full of water and is plugged into the wall and then there's a hose that attaches to the iron. 
The hose of the iron looped around a bottle and pulled it down.
Replies: >>35838
that makes even less sense since why would the hose be anywhere near the top of the freezer if the unit itself was on top of the ironing board

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wtf is plateau sigma

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oh my fucking god im so bored ughhhhhh
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im gonna rape you
Replies: >>35750
rape me then
Replies: >>35752
thats so good..
Replies: >>35754
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I want a Big Mac.
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me too
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I'm surprised you haven't quit it yet. I haven't touched this wipe since I got max traders.
I do have a computer that can actually run it now but I'm stuck on throttled mobile data so I can't play. Whenever that's fixed.
There's really fuck all to do in the game, though. I like Arena more.
Imageboards are your friend.
Replies: >>35730
no they're not they are impersonal and cold
Replies: >>35732
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The cycle begins anew
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why are you all like this
Replies: >>35666
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i posted a killing spree on 4chan during psychosis C.I.A and german police was involved kekw

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Regular high-pressure washing will improve solar panel efficiency by eliminating dust, and other contaminants from solar panels. This simple cleaning process may boost panel efficiency, making sure that solar modules work at optimal performance and produce the most power. Dust and dust might produce a layer on the photovoltaic units that prevents light, lowering their ability to generate power. By keeping solar arrays tidy, real estate investors can maximize their investment in sustainable power and reduce their complete electricity expenses. Moreover, tidy photovoltaic systems are less likely to get too hot, which might increase their durability and maintain their effectiveness over the long term.  If you are interested, feel free to check out my residential and commercial high-pressure washing site to discover more. 
<a href=>Roof Soft-Washing in Napa County, also Fremont CA for Gas station owners</a> 
<a href=>Priming Commercial Properties for Remodeling</a> 4d9372a

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niacinamide is a gateway drug to crossdressing and gay sex!
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it makes no sense
Wait until she finds out about foreskins.
how can you fit a 6'' dick in a flat cage that's ridiculous
they're not that squishy
Replies: >>35654
They can be completely flaccid and can even go inside of you if you push them back into your body carefully, how do you think inverted chastity cages work.
It'll be snug and tight but it won't be painful because it only expands until it encounters resistance and fills all available space.
Wait, boys have balls as well as a penis???

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