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I feel like dissolving
Replies: >>35214
>>33858 (OP) 
dont dissolve, get flushed

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A man.
Replies: >>34085
Buffalo bill
Replies: >>34328
More like crying my ass off rednosed and hyperventilating
Replies: >>35212

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I woke up in the middle of the night and immediately went on a rudeposting crusade wtf i'm just as hurt as you are about it idk why i'm still allowed to be here anymore they have the power to shut me up when i accidentally post a gif associated with Magick, they have the power to stop me from ip switching, they have the power to hit me with a rangeban, they have the power to send an army of bot spammers to my threads to intimidate me, they have the power to accuse me of breaking US law, they have proved it to me multiple times but they only ever apply it for the most inoffensive bullshit, fuck you s4s wtf, the ghouls who run this place play nice but they went all of us to suffer, they want You to suffer the most. This is a cry for help.
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yup I'm cucking you
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uh huh
cuckolding is a thinking mans fetish

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Lifting you up from inside
I'm ashamed that I can't lift a squishy like that
Replies: >>35167
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I could hold someone who was 80% my bodyweight up in that weird sort of lift and carry if they leant back into me like he is, but I don't think I'd be able to gyrate me hips etc. to fuck them from there.
I couldn't lift someone up with my penis as a structural support, though.

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you don't even cut lmao
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Replies: >>34558
this could have been a better use of your life but here you are
>>34555 (OP) 
i cant think
Replies: >>34686
why not
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Replies: >>35166
complete collapse of your sense of identity and sense of belonging, this club is not for u
a reject a pariah 
you. don't. even. cut.

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vomit came up in the back of my throat

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<a href=>Эксперты: русские силы Крыма делают ошибку, не участвуя в Майдане против Налогового кодекса / Они теряют свой электорат, играя на руку Партии регионов.</a> Русские силы Крыма совершили ошибку, проигнорировав акции протеста предпринимателей против Налогового кодекса, которые проходят в Киеве. Об этом в интервью НР заявил политолог Тарас Березове

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the overwhelming sensation of edging ur pebis for hours until you're so sensitive and sore that any light touch will make you blow your load after not cming for 3 days in a row, it's still sore even after you get up to pee, it almost feels like a second ej***n
i look like this and i say this
but you forgot to do that
Replies: >>34971

do i look fat in this picture
42 replies and 5 files omitted. View the full thread
bet you saved the pic
and most people probably don't know this because i usually deal with it quickly but the site gets spammed by cp bots like every day so it's not unreasonable to be so wary
such a nice and responsible admin *pat pat*
shut up possessive retard reiko loves patch

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