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how do i clean the bottom of my fleshlight its kinda starting to get brown and thats unappealing even when i can not see it in the plastic tube its in...
i might have to throw it away even thou i clean it throuhly every time i use it
Replies: >>40723
>>40720 (OP) 
you're supposed to flip it inside out or at least dry it completely before storing
Replies: >>40727
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uhh i did that >_<

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Replies: >>40713
>>40708 (OP) 
God i'm so hot
Replies: >>40714
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Bad girls need love too. Find a good man and become his woman.
that’s why it’s funny yes..
Replies: >>40717
feels good to recognize yourself in a meme, however negative it may be
Replies: >>40718
recognizing yourself in this meme is kinda cute tbh

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Went to a gay bar for valentine's day and only saw middle aged gay men and two married gay couples. I felt so cringe drinking my fireball alone and watching the TV screen. Turns out everyone younger than 40 fucked on Grindr today. I felt like a such a boomer and smoked a pom pom to cope with how badly I messed up today.
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Replies: >>40631
>>40629 (OP) 
Did you talk to anyone there? At least the bartender?
Replies: >>40632
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The gay boomers only complained about Trump and Elon Musk. Bartender was friendly but married to a gay man and also hated Trump. The TV had music videos playing and everyone else was playing at the pool table. The topic of trans rights came up and I gave my opinion but they just shifted the topic when they realized I didn't hate Trump.
Replies: >>40668 >>40669
Lole. The lefties are what keep me from going to establishments in the lgbtq+ part of town. That city is like Little San Francisco. I love cruising through there, but don't actually want to interact with anybody.
trump's a complete retard though
Replies: >>40709
These gay boomers unironically thought Trump was a fascist and nazi. They thought the news should have a daily 30 minute segment about lgbt issues and Elon Musk was a white nationalist. I don't even like Trump because he might make it harder for teens to get hrt but even I admit he isn't Hitler 2 Electric Boogaloo. He's just a boomer retard that falls for /pol/ tier memes on Facebook.

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my phone rang and i just answered it via my headset without even looking at who was calling me thinking it was my mom (because no one else calls me other than her and telemarketers) but in the end it turned out it was someone from highschool i haven't talked to in over 10 years and what followed was a very awkward exchange where they asked me how am i doing and if i want to meet up with a bunch of other guys from hs to catch up to which i meekly agreed because i couldn't think of an excuse cause i was  caught completely off guard

they told me "they are going to keep in touch" about the exact date of the meetup how do i get out of this
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i was generally relaxed and not anxious  and was about to watch some more anime but the rest of day is now irrevocably ruined hope the whole meetup thing was just a token courtesy and they won't actually call me again i also mentioned i had whatsapp when they asked if there were alternate ways of reaching me what a fucking idiot i am at least i could've not picked up upon seeing the number again and they'd go "huh i guess he's busy" but you can't do that if they send you a text message without them realizing you're ignoring them
bro this is like your last chance to have friends what are you doing
Replies: >>40677
no it's not they're probably just being nostalgic and it's  a reunion one-off kind of thing, meeting old friends and doing "catch-up" is the ultimate social nightmare fuel for me since my life hasn't virtually changed at all since i graduated 10 years ago
just imagining the situation where they each go over how they started families with kids or their latest career achievements and it's my turn and the only thing i am able to say is "uhh yeah i kinda just vegetated for a decade and i haven't done literally anything with my life" makes me want to vomit
i want to crawl into a hole and just be completely forgotten by anyone who ever interacted with me
Replies: >>40678
you act like most young people haven't vegetated for the last 10 years

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Hi Magick

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Brush your teeth and use mouth wash if you wanna get kissed. Clean your penis if you want your dick sucked. Don't take your shirt off during sex if you're chubby and have gross body hair around your belly. Some guys have nasty hygiene and real life isn't a hentai with an ugly bastard protagonist. Make yourself presentable for sex. Tired of ugly bastards on Grindr having nasty troll sex with each other.
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>>40644 (OP) 
uhh can we just cuddlel?
>>40644 (OP) 
Based, unhygienic fags deserve to be bullied
>>40644 (OP) 
you forgot shaving your whole body if you want to be submissive and breedable in any capacity, body hair is so gross regardless of sex
Replies: >>40670
My body hair is so long and soft, you can pet my chest and belly like a dog.

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strange angel type figure
22 replies and 10 files omitted. View the full thread
Replies: >>40618 + 3 earlier
beauty with wings
>>40567 (OP) 
where did you go
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await your angel visitor
Replies: >>40628
you are my angel visitor
Replies: >>40667
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ego te absolvo

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holy shit hes LITERALLY me...

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I wanna eat guy's assholes but don't wanna taste shit or get an std. Then I remembered condom dispensers have special female condoms just for lesbian to eat a stranger's pussy. I could use these female condoms to eat ass without any health risks or it being unsanitary.
Replies: >>40652 >>40663
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>>40649 (OP) 
uhh okay
>>40649 (OP) 
just make your bf fast and get him to use a bidet on the highest settings, it'll clean you out really good, if you're sharting clear water then you're clean, you'll know there's nothing left to clean if you can feel the water make it's way past the rectum into the sharp bend and into the large intestines (sigmund colon).
Use soap if you want, but it doesn't really get any cleaner than that.
what's the point? like eating a hamburger without the pickles
Replies: >>40665
poop is gross and not hot

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