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Can I have 20 yuro to buy moisturizer please?
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pure serum? 
every time I wash my face?
Replies: >>37132
how many times do you do that?
even twice a day is kinda excessive
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wait wtf you were the one who told me about skincare serums the first time did you become more rarted since last time
Replies: >>37140
I use serums but I don't use them as daily moisturizer
I have a special moisturizer that I use everytime I wash my face which is two times a day yeah
I use the serum at night, or every other day or something like that

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I can't watch normal porn without feeling cucked

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i bought silent hill 4 when it came out on gog digitally first day and its not on steam yet
Replies: >>37128
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aqua btfo
sushi with a dick
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summer vacation

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I wanna get fucked in the ass but can't stop eating hot sauce. How do I solve this paradox?
there isn't a paradox
Your Fortune: (Rock) Hard Times Ahead
Milk enema
Replies: >>37115
Has anyone here tried a milk enema and what were the results? I already own an enema kit  and might try it.
Eat hot sauce anyways. 
accept that you have a spicy butthole~

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(English)Happy new year 2012🎄
(Russian)С новым годом 2012🎄
(Polski)Szczęśliwego nowego roku 202🎄
(Ukraine)З новим роком 2012🎄
why are you mentioning kuffar holidays? 
wait till your imam hears about this, mustafa
wait you said happy new year not happy christmas the tree threw me off now my joke doesn't work anymore

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The entire website is approximately 10 people posting their thoughts. It's kinda beautiful
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youre dumb, literally a fool
I saw a reference to endchan. Is it some kind of online sex board like sex chat rooms used to be?
I mean on endchan.
You didn't actually
lately it's mostly egirls and russian translation bots

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they put CCP propaganda on my tea
Vro got a magic image. 
click the thumbnail and it flips up
chinese cunny party
Your Fortune: (Rock) Hard Times Ahead

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I can understand why it's hard for women to be virgins nowadays. Even the ugliest hon can get chaser dick if they want it. Plus estrogen makes me horny and it's probably the same for cis women too. Asking a cis woman to be a virgin is like asking a meat eater to be vegan. It's just unfair to them and robs them of happiness. Incels and MGTOWs like to cope with "no hymen, no diamond" but they'd also be fucking non-stop if they were women too. The sheer self control women do have to maintain a low bodycount under five is honestly astonishing.
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Replies: >>37054 >>37059
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Random women do want to fuck me everyday though??
Your Fortune: You Do Not Wanna Know
Replies: >>37059
>>37043 (OP) 
No amount of hormone altering drugs or chopping your genitals off will change the simple truth that you will never be a woman
Back to your containment board, freak
Replies: >>37061
You are a lying fucking liar. You are full of BS. The normal man's response to random women wanting to fuck him is the oblige, and fuck them. It happens all the time. And you got a very bad fortune because you are a liar. 

>>37043 (OP) 
Yea, every one those MGTOW incels start fucking like crazy as soon as they get some actual game or go to the gym or whatever. The only women that maintain low body counts are women who genuinely think God and Jesus are watching over them and judging their every behavior.
Replies: >>37067
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Are you really such a loser that you can't even imagine what it's like to be hot and funny?
>is the oblige, and fuck them
Why would you assume I'm a pussy whipped loser if I'm having to bat pussy away from myself with a fly swatter every time I go out? Are you literally incapable of considering anyone else's situation with anything less than massive projection?

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Just because you were an incel before transitioning doesn't mean you should be a slut after transitioning. Promiscuous sex won't replace or erase those lonely years spent a bitter virgin. Look for love instead of instant and unhealthy gratification.
Replies: >>37053
i do this
Replies: >>37053
>>37039 (OP) 
Let troons have fun~

You go gurl~ You be a promiscuous little sloot~

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