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>they removed comparison operators from strings (like != ) and replaced it with implicit definitions from ineffable compiler magic (which also prevents you from reasonably overloading the operators) (since C++ 20)
What the fuck are these cunts doing?
Replies: >>30962
>>30958 (OP) 
Equals comparison for string literals in compiled languages will never not be disgusting, leave that shit for perl and other scripting languages, if I'm writing C, I want to compare strings with strcmp()
Replies: >>30965
This is for comparison of C++'s std::basic_string, not character arrays or their contents.
>leave that shit for perl and other scripting languages
Ironically I'm basically writing not-javascript via nlohmann's at the moment which is why I was looking into this in the firstplace.
I don't think the sanitized string literals are being used for anything other than assignment (SDL's internals notwithstanding).

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it's over
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I wamt a big bune to hug and carry
Replies: >>15600
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One like this?
Replies: >>15612
Replies: >>15641
you dirty pervert you set that picture as your wallpaper
cmon mane

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is this true?
>this is just two penises kissing each other so its not sex
>this is just my penis kissing your butt so its not sex
Replies: >>30950
You will always be a virgin if you "fuck" boys.
To lose your virginity you need to fuck a girl, like Magick.
Replies: >>30950
That's not what he asked
>>30948 (OP) 
It can't be sex because neither of them is cute
Replies: >>30951
Yes it is what is he asked.
If it's not sex you don't lose your virginity.
That has literally nothing to do with the question in the OP
You're also being really fucking vague with the usage of the term 'virgin' instead of anything that could possibly apply to the cultural context of the OP image.

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Admeme switched the cert too early, before it was time
You might think you got away with it, but I saw

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whats up
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youre only manifesting the wrong things and ur almost fully believing in them.
what if you shatter your soul for no reason other than obeying delusions
who said u wouldnt be able to be good?
why not be patient instead of observing false facts..?
keep on living.
i know. i can't kms, it would be a bad memory for my friends and i.
he just let the site hosting lapse
when i saw an error code instead of the chat loading..
4+ years came and went without any signs of a third wave..
i kinda miss being with some of the people that i don't have contact with nowadays
there was someone fairly close to me (by NA travel standards anyway) and i almost met up with him but it didn't line up properly
i had his phone and email, no idea anymore
sorry for rambling im done now
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thank you for your kind words earlier wish
i forgot to say that
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i miss you tsuki.
thank you and the community for all the good memories 2017+

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why do ppl wnt me to hurt them :/
Replies: >>30928
>>30887 (OP) 
i wanna hear your cute whimpers getting shocked by ur bf

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Mexico city, huh..
shocking truth
Replies: >>30921
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You made me turn back on my pc after I put it to sleep
Replies: >>30923 >>30927
what does this mean
ohhhh I get it now
yeah sometimes this happens to me

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Why aren't you a cute femboy streamer letting your fans remotely trigger your shock collar and vibe for money while you whimper and scream?
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Do you yelp cutely when you get shocked?
Replies: >>30888
Dont know
my partner masturbayes to my noises when i get shocked thoguh
Replies: >>30895
can you post vocaroo with ur cute yelping sounds getting shocked?

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elina the wandering witch
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this tbh
Note: Magick has not denied being a woman
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Replies: >>30893
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taking lion's mane....

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Pylometric exercise made my ass tighter
It could be something else but my working theory is that the elliptical/oblique stuff when you're landing works your pelvic floor and/or asshole like targeted (i.e. kegels) does
My actual butt cheeks are really firm and nice too
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Replies: >>16076
>>15877 (OP) 
I dont usually like fingering pics, but this one really makes me feel good
Replies: >>16079
the crying and holding for comfort makes it feel special and intimate
Replies: >>16082
she's not sad she's orgasming
Replies: >>16102
i know, i didn't mean crying in a sad way

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