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pissy fuck cock bitch

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God this shit is so fucking retarded what even is this fucking subplot
>actually from a dance family
>way more experience than pretty much everyone else
>already established as a major talent in the junior stuff, the plot literally hinges on both this bitch and michiru being wowed her actual demonstrated competence and this chapter even says as much
MC's wife:
>established as a prodigy
This bitch:
>Never liked dancing
>Never practiced that much
>Never achieved anything
>No history of having achieved anything or having been able to achieve anything when she was trying her hardest (at MC's side, with MC in the role where her past successes were)
>Next to no experience with her current partner
>Largely established as a gormless retard who is pretty much a failure outside of dance as well
and yet
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Replies: >>31003
oh nooo my wish fulfillment fiction isnt very realistic ohh noooo :(
Replies: >>30829
>>30822 (OP) 
did anyone read this

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This/these songs still do my head in. All jungle themes 2 & 3 from this game, I swear to god I've heard everywhere, like they're some of the great freeware soundtracks that have made their way into everything. I don't have my copy of StP but I swear they were in that, yet if you search the tracks by name nothing comes up, which is baffling because this sort of freeware/stock sound is practically always a top result.
Am I crazy?
Did some guy just happen to copy this into a project and everyone copied the music directly and it somehow spread via word of mouth underground with the original studio never getting credited?
This game had a gigantic budget (especially for what it was), was this actually some sort of major stock music studio and they just changed the name of the track to avoid being associated with the game?
Do the songs have a different name in the release state or in the original language or something?
I swear to god I've heard this in AAA products before. Like, it's real, super widely used stock music, isn't it?
did anyone read this

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i cant understand fist fights, all you have to do is win is control the enemies head and stab their eyes with your finger, you dont even have to control the head, a pointed punch with your fingers towards the eyes will take them out, it's so easy?
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ooga booga let me just swing my meat hands at the hard ass skull instead of targetting the most vulnerable part of the person, people are so dumb
you could literally pull someones eye out with only 3 fingers yet people want to bash their knuckles into flesh and bone instead
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Absolutely gloveshy take
Any record of rough and tumble fights ever shows extensive gouging. The reason that social fights rarely involve gouging, stomping on people when they're down, etc. is because of a deliberate attempt not to escalate a situation. Even if you're alone many times a group will restrain their own members if they become overly violent either to avoid legal consequences or to avoid escalating the violence. It's not that they're overestimating the lethality of throwing hands, but actually the opposite. They don't realize how dangerous fighting actually is (because they don't know how to fight, presumably).
>all you have to do is win is control the enemies head and stab their eyes with your finger
If you've got control of their head you already won a fist fight retard
>you dont even have to control the head, a pointed punch with your fingers towards the eyes will take them out, it's so easy?
Yes, and that's why people do literally that? See: john jones eye gouging controversy.
>ooga booga let me just swing my meat hands at the hard ass skull instead of targetting the most vulnerable part of the person, people are so dumb
You're so dumb. If you actually want to hurt someone use a weapon. You will be stabbed many, many, many, many times before you can land scoring blows on someone's eyes, and attempting to do so will see you gangbanged and stomped on the 
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Replies: >>31000
did anyone read this

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bnuy facts buns can walk on water but they have to walk and not flophop (i stole this post from somewhere else)
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Replies: >>30993
it's actually a genetic defect that messes up the neural pathways and when the bunny wants to hop he does this instead
why are bunnies susceptible to so much terrible things
Replies: >>30991
I mean it's still strong
>why are bunnies susceptible to so much terrible things
Everything is. This was first discovered in rats and it's basically just a spinal cord injury.
If anything, what you're actually noticing is a consequence of rabbits being so valuable to humans that we've preserved the lives of countless bunnies that would perish if not for our intervention.
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>>30980 (OP) 
Dirty rabbit feet
Replies: >>30994
Replies: >>30996
Don't be a fag

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It doesn't matter that you're actually a woman and not a boy. 
We still like you irregardless.
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And I'm santa-claus
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The only rational explanation for why she won't post her cock is because she wasn't born with one.
Replies: >>30982 >>30983
Doesn't want her stolen penis to be ID'd, understandable
It's not too late for ms. Magick, she can still post an AI generated cock which we cant trace on the web
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learn to recognize boysmell!

boysmell is the thick male pheromone smell that builds up and goes slightly rancidic if a boy madturbates repeatedly in an enclosed area like in their room or in their sheets
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i havent shared a bed with someone since i stopped
I like that smell, it does go rancid though so I do wash my blanket like every week, it goes back to smelling the same as before after one horny fap sesh tho
my sweat smells like second hand smoke
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take a shower smelly

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my butt hurts from fubging myself vigorously with a dildo for a whole hour I couldn't find my p spot :(
Replies: >>30969
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Replies: >>30975
Makes sense that the worse namefags imaginable would be the same kinds of people who avatarfag with the worst imageset imaginable in the most tedious and uninteresting possible way
Replies: >>30977
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still mad huh
Replies: >>30978
Was this intended to be an expression of cope or was it a freudian slip?

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hate when this happens to me
Replies: >>9166
>>9165 (OP) 
You too?
farewell heisei farewell youth

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rest in peace
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lupchan died like a month or two ago I think

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